I've had an ileostomy for about 3 yrs. Unfortunately it has changed my life soo much that I hardly even go out unless it's for appts. When I had my first surgery done I ended up with a fistula which the doctor fixed. I have a hernia and another fistula. I saw my doctor about the hernia about 2 months ago and he will not fix the hernia unless I get a colostomy which of course I said no and was very disappointed about the visit. Well now after going to th ER because I had such pain in my abdomen and severe liquid coming out of me they discovered another fistula so anyway I see the doctor next week so I can hopefully get this fixed. I feel fine and haven't had any problems yet. I just would really appreciate some comments on what it's like to have a colostomy and what you have to go through etc etc because I know my doctor is going to mention me getting the colostomy .