This is such an important topic to share, especially with people new to life with an ostomy. I have had mine since I was 15...and that's more than 50 years ago. So I had to "show" and/or tell at so many different stages of my life. As a teen, everyone knew I had been sick, and the kind of surgery I'd had, so even when I dated...most of the guys kind of knew. But mores were a bit different then, and I didn't jump into bed, or get sexually active until I had my final surgery at 19. To be honest, I had more difficulty with my weight, stretch marks, and stretched-out skin (due to steroids) than I had with my actual ostomy. My self-esteem took a real hit during those teen years, but I always regarded my ostomy as my badge of survival, and so when I had to share the info...I did it openly and honestly. I ended up marrying a man with an ileostomy (met through the group I belonged to) but that didn't keep us together. We divorced after 24+ years of marriage. So I've been dating (again) for the last 20 years. I've revealed, so many times, and in so many different ways...and have found there is no one perfect way. I generally felt (since teen years) that if I wanted a guy's hands to go below my neck, then it was time to tell. That's worked well for me. I've been hurt and disappointed by some reactions throughout the years. One guy got up from the table, excused himself, and left the restaurant... I thought he was going to puke! Another guy I dated several times and thought he didn't have a problem with it...heard me "gurgle," and that was the end of that possibility. But the man I'm seeing now has absolutely no problem with my weight, my scars, or my ostomy... Such is life. I guess if we want someone in our lives, we have to take the risk and be vulnerable. It's been an adventure and gives one good insight into what is really oneself, and to others.