Struggling with Stoma Bag Leakage Near Surgical Scar

Nov 11, 2016 7:36 am

A quick bit of backstory.

i was diagnosed with Crohn's disease last year, went through all the treatments for it which didn't work, then was told I had to have emergency surgery to have my large intestine removed. Had the surgery, came out of hospital 2 weeks later and spent 6 weeks at home, finally enjoying life. However I started suffering from severe pain which stopped me from eating which turns out was a blockage in my bowel caused by a build up of scar tissue, so I had a second surgery, and came out of hospital 2weeks later.

The problem is that the second scar, where the second operation took place (this time it wasn't key hole) is so close to the stoma site, that both the wound dressing and stoma back overlap, which leads to severe leakage, it also doesn't help that the last batch of bags I have are faulty and seem to leak an any point during the day. I have been to seem my stoma nurse and she tried to give me new bags but I'm having the same problem. I am currently visiting family and away from home so my supplies are far away. Before the second opperation I was doing well but now I have to put another bag on almost twice a day. Any advice would be much appreciated.

also I'm new to forums so I don't really know what I'm doing on them.

October Born
Nov 12, 2016 1:34 pm

Hi Loz1,

I have had major problems with leakage as well although for different reasons. I have found using convex bags is a great start to stopping this problem. You can get them in convex light or convex deep. I use the deep ones because they push down the area around the stoma more than the light ones. After my surgeries the surgeon used glue to close the incisions and my bag overlapped with the incisions and it hurt like hell to pull that bag off to change it for quite some time but I didn't have to deal with dressing. I am not sure that with the differences in situations my suggestion will be helpful but thought it couldn't hurt to suggest it anyway. Wishing you good luck and better days ahead.


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