Seeking advice on bowel complications - concerned about nerve damage and potential ileostomy

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Nov 13, 2016 8:29 pm

I am a 60-year-old with a SCI injury and have been in a chair for over 40 years (T9 Para). Just over 2 weeks ago, I took 2 teaspoons of a product called Normacol Plus, which has a bowel stimulant and a bulking agent combined. Unfortunately, I neglected to drink enough water, and that night I had all sorts of problems which resulted in an impaction in the ascending colon. I had an episode of constipation about a month before, which was cleared with 2 days of Movicol, and then back to my regular bowel program. However, after 4 days of Movicol this time, when I tried, it seemed everything packed up, and I had to take Movicol again 2 days later. I will see a specialist GI guy on the 30th and have been advised by the spinal unit nurse to stay on Movicol until then. I also take 2 senna tablets at night as part of my program. The thing is, I know by my own body rhythms that something is not right, and I have been worried sick about the possible implications. The GI guy will not know until he does a CT scan or colonoscopy, or we carry out a sitz marker test. Then again, I may have done some nerve damage, which is another reason I am panicking myself. If things go really bad, I may need an ileostomy if the ascending colon is buggered, and I was wanting to get some feedback and possibly reassurance about the road ahead.

Nov 28, 2016 3:19 am

Hi Gommerkrinkle,

Have you seen your doctor at this point? How are you? What did the doctor have to say?

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Nov 29, 2016 12:45 am

Hi Gommer, sometimes we feel like there's stuff going on inside that's different from what we're accustomed to.  Maybe we're right but that doesn't mean there's some bad stuff down the road.  We've gone through so much crap I think our guts get confused sometimes and we just need to get them back on track.  Don't resign yourself to anything other than a diligent diagnosis, perhaps a meds change and getting better soon.  Please let us know how you make out.  I'm betting it'll be good.


Dec 18, 2016 8:06 am

Thanks for the support iMacG5. You are right, I do sometimes look on the gloomy side. I have to say, though, that I am very annoyed with myself for getting stuck on Senna tablets. I should have kicked them to touch, but at the time I was freaked out with the way my tailpipe looked after the roid stitches came out, so I asked for a refill. One thing led to another. I did not, however, get good advice and was told by doctors to just keep using them (I am long-term SCI and am 60 years old, have been in a chair for 40 years) and should have been more assertive about my own health. Is there anyone on this forum that has recovered from long-term Senna use? I was reading today about a guy with IBS who had been on Senna for 3 years, took a 1-month course of Oxypowder colon cleanse, then started taking 4 tablespoons of flaxseed every day, went on a strict Vata diet, and also took some Triphala when needed.

I started taking Senna in March last year, but I have also been on another stimulant for 3 months - Lactulose - for about a month. It is really hard to kick this habit as your bowel gets lazy. I have been getting very depressed about the way things have gone down.

Dec 18, 2016 8:09 am

The doctor thought that what I went through should not have caused any damage, but I feel that something is not actually right and might seek a colonoscopy.


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Dec 31, 2016 2:10 am

Well, I hope the colonoscopy helps figure out what is going on.