Ileostomy and Preventing Uric Acid Kidney Stones

Apr 19, 2017 11:51 pm

Has anyone experienced this after your ileostomy?  If so what are you doing to help prevent them?  I have read in the forum Lecithin might help with the uric acid?

Apr 22, 2017 1:41 am

Hi Mcame.  I have had an ileostomy since 2010 when I was warned by my urologist that I would likely develop kidney stones because I can get dehydrated very easily.  People with ileostomies are prone to stones.  Since that time I have had 2 kidney stones, one in 2014 and the other in 2016.  Both stones were analyzed and found to be connected with excess uric acid. As a result I consulted a kidney specialist who did some further testing and has me now taking a high dose of potassium citrate daily to neutralize the uric acid.  In a few months I will have more testing (24 hour urine collection and bloodwork) to determine the effectiveness of the medication.  The most important think I can do to help myself beyond medication is to drink volumes of liquid.  Ideally my urine should be as clear as water.  I recall that there are several discussion threads on this website which address your concern.  Good luck with your efforts to prevent stones.


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Apr 24, 2017 10:33 pm

Hi PB,


How you be. It's been a while. Oh yes, those kidney stones. As you say, drink, drink drink. However, genetically some people are natural high uric acid producers (such as myself). Just another thing to deal with. I have had a few. Fortunately, they were small and did not cause much pain, if any. I did have one many years ago right after getting my ileostomy that was the size of a bullet. That was no picnic. I passed it. It was a good thing. If anyone was around me I think I would have shot them when it passed; high velocity.Be well my friend.



May 02, 2017 3:20 am



Talk to your doctor about Allopurinol.  It is a very inexpensive prescription drug with little to no side affects.  I have passed over 100 stones, and this has greatly reduced their production.  It has been a life saver for me, and works well for many people suffering from high uric acid levels.  Goodluck!



May 02, 2017 6:39 pm

Allopurinal is an antimetabolite which in effect reduces uric acid production. However, to my knowledge, it affects the liver and over time could prove to be deleterious especially if one has a liver problem of any kind to begin with. If this is the case, I suspect a physician would not prescribe it.




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