What's up with Ostomy Conventions?

May 02, 2017 4:39 am

Hey Y'all!  I'm going on 27yrs of having an ostomy and during that time I have never been to a convention.  I have only met one other person with an ostomy in all that time, but would like to meet up with others who are dealing with everyday life struggles that comes with the territory.  Looking for comments/advice on what exactly goes on at these conventions.  Just thought it would be cool to meet others who share some similarities, and find out whats new in the world of medical advances.  Thanks in advance to anyone that could give some insight!



May 02, 2017 5:49 am

Hello Copindixie. I cannot comment on conventions in the USA except to say that in fields other than stomas, I found your conventions to be far more spectacular and well organised than the 'meetings' we tend to have in the UK. That said, I still attend when they are geographically close to me and I quite enjoy the experience. There are people to meet and and dsiscuss things with, products to browse and samples to take away. On one occasion they arranged for a stage production of a semi-comedy sketch on stomas which I thought was great. There are sometimes more serious organised talks on different subjects relating to stomas. It all depends on who organises it and for what sized audience as to what 'extras' are put on for education and/or 'entertainment'. I would recommend anyone to go along and find out for themselves whether the experience was worthwhile for them, bearing in mind that, apart from the trade stands,  each one is likely to be different in some ways from others.

Best wishes


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May 02, 2017 6:08 pm

Thanks for the feedback, Bill.  I am very iterested in attending one at some point, but have been reluctant to be the "new guy" in the room.  I believe I would have something to offer in the sense that I have had an ostomy for many years, and I would love to be able to help someone out with my outlook and experience.  I also am aware that I have my own issues, and could benefit from others going through life.  If anyone has information about upcomming events, I would love to hear about them.  

May 03, 2017 5:37 am

Hello Copindixie.

It sometimes generates an awkward feeling to go places on your own, especially for the first time and I noticed at these events that many of the visitors were in pairs. However, this did not prevent them striking up conversations with me and they always seemed a friendly bunch. Also, the people on the trade stands are only too willing to share their knowledge with anyone and everyone that shows an interest in their products so you won't be there with nobody to talk to.

Best wishes


May 10, 2017 2:55 am

Hi Everyone,  I wanted to respond to the post regarding the ostomy conventions.  I have had the opportunity to attend the last three conventions and they have been absolutely wonderful!  These gatherings provided helpful information about life with an ostomy, excellent workshops ranging from activities of daily living to products, procedures and comraderie.... I could not have asked for more from a conference.  The National conferences provided days of information and the local conference a quick but educational weekend.  I would recommend these opportunities to all ostomates.  If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post or send me an email.  I am happy to share my experience with you. Unfortunately, this year I will not be attending the conference in Irvine, CA... it is a bit to far from where I live and have prior commitment as well.  I hope that the next conference will be closer to the East Coast somewhere, because if it is, God willing, I will be there.  Take care Friends and have a great week.  Sincerely,  LH


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

May 12, 2017 1:16 am

Dude the conventions are a blast! Most of the ones I've been to we just partied the whole time with friends with the same condition in made it to a few of the seminars but they are a blast I think the next ones coming up in Irvine California 

May 15, 2017 1:09 pm

Thanks to Bill, LadyHope, and Baxter for the replies!  I really want to attend one at some point, but the convention in Irvine is a little far away.  It would be great to meet others with the same conditions, who are doing well!  It also would be nice to now that you maybe helped someone who was struggling.  Anyhow.....I hope to meet y'all at a convention "some day".



May 17, 2017 7:49 pm

Who sponsors these conventions and when is the one in Irvine?

May 17, 2017 8:55 pm

MassMikMouse -- The UOAA sponsors the conventions and they hold one every other year.  Go to www.ostomy.org (that is their official site) and look under conventions and events.  I believe the convention is in August of this year.  


May 17, 2017 8:58 pm

Hi Chris ... The UOAA has their convention every other year but they also list other conventions from other regions so check out www.ostomy.org under the conferences and events.  From what I understand they are quite an event and not only informative but a lot of fun.  I was going to attend this year but decided on another trip at that time in August but will check out others and also the one for 2019. 


May 17, 2017 9:59 pm

Hello there,

I live in UK. Are there any events and conventions here?


Jun 12, 2017 6:13 pm

What you going to talk about at these  Clubs / Societies /Meeting / conventions ??  


Jet aircraft , Gardening , Rabbit keeping , Photography .... No  you are  going to talk about the fact that you have some of your guts  hanging outside your body through a hole they punched through your belly .....& that you shit / piss in a plastic bag ...


Gtreat !!! Enjoy !!    I go to the odd  Manufactures eqipment show to check  on appliance progress . ( 4 in 10 yrs ) 

I dont go into my local pub & sit with myfriend  & my beer  & discuss  crap & wee   ,  so I dont feel the need to join a  specialist  club / meeting  that does .

Jun 12, 2017 6:35 pm

Hello pembedata.

If you go into the 'events' section on th left hand of your screen you will find a link to http://www.colostomyassociation.org.uk/get-involved/support-groups.aspx,where you should be able to find information regarding meetings in the UK.

I hope this is helpful

Best wishes



Jun 12, 2017 6:45 pm

Hello VulcanBMk2.

 I can certainly understand the sentiments you express and I agree with you that keeping up to date with what the manufacturers have to offer is another good reason to attend. I go mainly to get freebies to feed my insatiable appetite to experiment. However, I have found that there is always someone there who wants to listen ot my ramblings about what I have found that works and what doesn't.

I must also admit that there are other conventions I attend which sometimes satify my needs in the other areas of life like those you mention.

The beauty of conventions designed for a specific purpose, is that the people attending know fairly precisely what they are letting themselves in for.

I hope all those that attend get something positive from the experience and return home with some new ideas as to how to manage and even enjoy their new life with a stoma. 

Best wishes


Jun 13, 2017 12:33 am

Hey Vulcan, 

  You really made me laugh, with your reply to attending an Ostomy association meeting/ convention.

  You sounded like I did, when I was 15, and my parents dragged me off  kicking and screaming to my first meeting after my ileostomy surgery. Funny, I Actually found I I liked it, met a lot of nice  people, and many teens and young adults in NYC / Met. area.   We even started our own, young adult group, so we could talk about topics we didn't want  the "elders"   to hear.   S-E-X.    But time passed, and most of us grew up, and moved away, and once I married, had kids and settled in NJ, I no longer felt I had a need for meetings.

  But then I found this site a few years ago, met a few people, and decided to go to last year's regional conference in The Washington DC area. I met Lady Hope in person, and actually enjoyed seeing the new products different vendors were showing.  Got a lot of free samples too. 

I don't know that I'm anxious to keep going, but I'd advise anyone new to life with an  ostomy, to give a meeting or conference a try.   Like you,  I have many other interests,   ( travel!!!)   and things I'd rather chat about.  For seven years,   I flew around the country ( USA) Mexico, Canada, Carib, and even to Haiti, in the co pilot seat of a single engine plane. ( Bonanza).  That was a fabulous way of seeing this beautiful world.  And when that ended  ( my friend/ travel companion & plane went "missing" and was never found)  I toured the rest of the world....Europe, Israel, South Africa, China, Japan.....and to Australia 7 x to see my son who lives there with his wife and kids.

    I don't know if I would have been as adventurous ( with the ostomy) had I not been as involved with others who were living a full life with an ostomy.   

Best regards,  Marsha

Jun 14, 2017 6:38 pm

Hi: There is a get together being planned, would you be interested?


Pray for Peace, Hana

Jun 16, 2017 2:43 pm

Hi Everyone, posting again.  I felt being part of the UOAA conference, especially in the very early days, helped me gain my confidence living with an ostomy.  I was sooooo stressed post op.  I was scared plus physically and mentally frail.  To make matters worse, I did not know one person who had an ostomy.  People really don't disclose bathroom techniques like....Hi I'm LadyHope and I have an ostomy.... do you? Oh...what is an ostomy... you know....wear a bag to contain your waste.  Not a typical conversation over lunch or a cup of coffee.  I wish it were that simple. Attending the support groups and the conferences helped me recover from having surgery.  I thank everyone here on this site and at the support groups for building me back up.  I am grateful for my ostomate angels.  Take care and have a great weekend.  Sincerely,  LadyHope