Swelling Duration Post Colectomy and Ileostomy Surgery

May 22, 2017 5:41 am

How long does the swelling around the stoma snd general stomch swelling last? My surgery was May 5 th, I had colectomy and ilieostmy, 

May 22, 2017 3:21 pm

Hello Pamanda. 

Welcome to the site and thank you for your question. 

Unfortunately, it is one of those issues where everyone has different experiences and the length of time will depend upon so many varying factors that there will be no definitive answer. Having said that, I expressed my disappointment to the medical staff that they did not forewarn me of this swelling and the dangers of getting hernias. In my case the general swelling started to subside slowly after about a year but I was left with a hernia which has never gone away. I would have a word with your stoma nurse to ask for advice and perhaps a referral to a physio for some appropriate exercises that might help the swelling go down quicker.

Best wishes


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NJ Bain
May 22, 2017 3:22 pm



  It can take up to a month for the swelling to start to go down.  You should notice the stoma shrinking a bit.  Just take it easy and rest.  Remember to hold a pillow to your stomach if you have to cough or sneeze.  Relieves some of the bite from the surgery.  Let me know if you have any other questions.



May 24, 2017 7:24 pm

Hi Pamanda, 

I've had my ostomy for about a year and half now.  Weird to think it's been that long.  :)  

It took about six months for mine to finally note that all my swelling was gone.  It has been the same size ever since.  

Bill talks about the dangers of potential hernias.  Please always brace your stoma when coughing.  In fact, I always wore a belt that clipped on my pouch or I could wear one over my belly with a hold in it for my pouch to go through.  Hernias are common in stoma patients.  there is already an opening in the abdominal wall and it doesn't take much for an intestine to sneak its way in there.  

Like NJ warned too, use pillows to brace your stomach when you need to cough.  Remember coughing is good after surgery.  It helps clear the lungs of build up fluid and prevents pneumonia.  

Please be sure to write if problems come up.  When I had my surgery, there was not one ostomy or wound care nurse that helped except what I got in the hospital.  I've learned on my own over the months.  :)