Need Help with Bag Odor & Gas Removal!

Jun 25, 2017 10:01 am

Hi all,

One of our major concerns for any colostomate is bag odor and gas/wind.
I have tried liquors, branded colostomy products, simethicone and charcoal, carbon pills, nothing works!
The only thing near for bag odor is a few drops of either eucalyptus or peppermint oil, but sometimes, I was just changing the odor, not eliminating the odor! For gas, nothing has worked so far. Nervous problem?

Any serious suggestions please!

Jun 25, 2017 8:01 pm

I've had my ileostomy for over 50+ years, and never had the kind of disgusting foul odors that I've been having over the last 3. Like you, I've tried all kinds of products, and the best one is Na'scent. It works really well, but you need to put a few drops in each time you empty. The doctor thinks it might be from all the medications that I take. I dehydrate often, and that clear liquid has the worst odors.... like bile. Rinsing out your pouch with a little tap water and adding Na'scent really works.

Good luck.


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Jun 26, 2017 4:12 am

Hollister M9 drops are excellent for odor control. Get the large bottle and put it in a small dropper bottle to carry with you. 4 to 8 drops totally eliminate odor. Devron or charcoal tablets are also good for gas.

I've been using these drops for 3 years. It's about 23€ per large bottle but lasts about 1 year.

Jun 26, 2017 4:19 am

Hollister M9 drops are excellent for odor control. Get the large bottle and put it in a small dropper bottle to carry with you. 4 to 8 drops totally eliminate odor. Devron or charcoal tablets are also good for gas.

I've been using these drops for 3 years. It's about 23€ per large bottle but lasts about 1 year.

Jun 26, 2017 4:29 am

Hollister M9 drops are excellent for odor control. Get the large bottle and put it in a small dropper bottle to carry with you. 4 to 8 drops totally eliminate odor. Devron or charcoal tablets are also good for gas.

I've been using these drops for 3 years. It's about 23€ per large bottle but lasts about 1 year.


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

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Jun 30, 2017 4:26 pm

I have a J pouch and gas removal is a huge problem. Picture a balloon half filled with some semi-solid sauce and the rest gas. Now turn that balloon nozzle end down and watch how the solution settles and traps the gas above. Now pinch the nozzle (simulating a spasming sphincter) and try to expel anything. It does not work. When it does occasionally, you can imagine the mess. Why hasn't medical science improved this? It would make life so much easier and productive if they incorporated a gas release valve somehow, but dare to dream...