I know I've been making quite a few posts recently, but I've got a lot of questions and I'm very anxious about starting uni on Monday (24th of July).
I started semester one of uni this year studying biomedical science, but on the Friday of my second week a specialist that my dad had called rang me in the morning and told me to get to hospital. I spent those first two weeks of uni basically on autopilot. No one knew I had colitis and I was in and out of the GP's office every few days with more blood tests and trying different medications to work out what was wrong. I wasn't in the toilet as often as I've read others are, as I was using the toilet around six times a day. Mild but sharp gut pain and chronic fatigue was the issue. I'd struggle to make it between lectures in the ten-minute gap because I'd be too exhausted to walk the whole way in one go, but I still dragged myself to uni every day, which I now realize wasn't the smartest thing to do. I was booked in to see a gastroenterologist on 22/3, but I ended up having emergency surgery on 17/3 with a different gastro because my dad didn't think it was safe waiting that long, and he was right as I was told that if I didn't have the surgery then and there that my colon would have perforated overnight. As I'm sure you can understand, it was a very overwhelming experience, and it still is some days. I've spent the last three months itching to go back to uni and have some structure again, but now that it's here I'm a bit terrified. I'm scared of having bag leaks, missing classes because I need to change the bag in the morning, meeting people and how the bag is going to affect that, but probably the biggest concern for me is how I'm going to feel when I am in the exact same spot that I was when I was basically dying without knowing. I know it probably sounds stupid, and when I think about it, it does sound a bit ridiculous, but it's the sort of thought that stops me from sleeping some nights. I still get quite sad when I think about being back at uni when the last time I was there I was extremely ill and was only just making it to classes before finding a tree and pretty much passing out under it during my breaks. I don't know why this is such a worry for me and why it makes me feel anxious when I think about it, because I know that it shouldn't be a concern because I'm about as healthy as I can get now.
This has become more of a blog post than a forum post, but did anyone start uni/college/school without an ostomy and then have to have surgery part-way through? How was it returning to the same places? Did you ever have trouble with the bag, i.e. leaks, unexpected bag changes in the morning, dehydration, or making friends?