Managing Gas with an Ileostomy: Foods to Avoid?

Aug 26, 2017 12:09 pm

Hey guys!


I just have a quick question...I'm still trying to navigate the sodomy and eating after 8 yrs of depriving myself of almost everything I enjoy because my surgeon said to stay away from them.

Does anyone have trouble with gas build-up in your bag? Are their certain foods that you avoid because of gas? I have noticed that my bag fills up with air  whenever I call asleep. I have a built in filter but it still fills up. Has anyone found a way to combat that? When mine gets way full I wake up to a leak in the appliance!

Thanks guys!


Aug 27, 2017 1:02 am


I am sure you don't mean ..."navigate the sodomy", or do you, LOL. If so, I can't help you there. As for the gas, first, I have found those filters to be totally useless. The gas is a product of the food and drink and various combinations thereof that you've had  during your eating phase. I think this is obvious. Certain vegetables such as tomatoes do me in all the time as well as some of the greens. Carbonated beverages also can cause havoc. I think the first thing you should try, is sleeping on the opposite side of your ostomy. Undoubtedly, by rolling over on it puts excess outside pressure on the bag and well something has to give resulting in your leak. Also, if you wake up and the bag is full of gas, try burping it by holding it vertically and carefulley remove the end clip or velcro and let the gas out. Be careful here because if you're not fully awake and don't pay attention, you'll have a big mess. Hope this helps.



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Past Member
Aug 27, 2017 3:27 am

X, thought the same, looks like "auto-correct" is at it again!


Hi Allie,

Peppermint tea works a treat for me (with an ileo) after the evening meal.  If I ever get what I call the "rolling gases" (sounds like the woodwind section in an orchestra!), I take a capsule of "De-Gas" (available world-wide I believe), this works like magic (definitely well named!) no matter what I've eaten.

I'm lucky enough to be able to eat just about everything but a low carb low sugar diet works for me, small portions, occasional treat, never feel I'm missing out.  Everyone is different, try a little of everything you fancy and see how it goes.

Jo from Oz






Aug 27, 2017 4:27 pm


Yes, I have been victimized more than once by that "auto-correct."
