Severe Stoma Pain and Inflammation: Seeking Advice and Relief

Oct 02, 2017 4:45 am

Since 12 July 2017, I have been over to the Emergency Room three times.  I have seen my surgeon twice since discharge and spoken with my doctor at the VA at least six or seven times, seeing her twice.  The surgeon has done 3 CAT scans which show an area of inflammation around the stoma.   I experience severe cramps that begin about 2 1/2 inches away from the stoma and wrap around  the right side of my midline to my back. It come in waves, similar to labor pains or before stoma, diarrhea pains, with 5 to 10 minutes in between of no cramps.  These are relentless and never let up.  The surgeon says there is nothing he can do about it and I have to try to stick it out.  My question  to you folks out in Osteo World is have any of you had this issue and if you have, what was the outcome?  Also,  how did you deal with this inflammation??  Do you think heat or ice is best to bring inflammation under control?   Do you know anything about essential oils that would work for pain and do any of you know anything about Canabis oil?   I heard it worked well for pain issues.  I am becoming exhausted with this constant pain, day in and day out.  If anyone has information that can help me, please write.  I am becoming desperate!   Thanks everyone!

Oct 02, 2017 5:48 am

Hello Freedancer.

Living with constant chronic pain is not very pleasant to say the least. It doesn't help when the medics tell you that there is nothing further 'they' can do about it. However, there are people who set themselves up as experts in just this type of thing and they generally work out of a 'PAIN MANAGEMENT' clinic. You can ask your own doctor to refer you or, in many cases you should be able to refer yourself. They use all sorts of different techniques to help people manage to live and cope with unbearable pain that the surgeons tend to be  helpless/hopeless at dealing with.

I do hope you manage to find something to help you in the near future.

Best wishes


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