Trouble with Edgepark for Colostomy Supplies?

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Jan 10, 2018 2:57 pm

Hello friends,

I have had my colostomy since 2012. Thank goodness I make sure my supplies never get too low. My problem is with the only supply company my insurance uses. This company is Edgepark! I would always place my order, and would receive it within 2 days! Now the last 4 times I have had to make several calls asking "Where are my supplies?" They would inform me that they are waiting for approval! My insurance company always tells me that it has been approved for one year!!! This last order was placed 8 days ago, and no supplies yet!! Anyone else having trouble with this company?? Can't change companies because of my insurance!!!

Jan 10, 2018 3:31 pm

I also use Edgepark. I have to do an insurance change with them this year. I'm hoping that doesn't cause me too much of a headache. I know their shipping got quite a bit slower several months ago, but I think that was due to a change with the shipping company they use. Like you, luckily I keep plenty of supplies on hand.

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Jan 11, 2018 12:16 am

I was using Edgepark and had the same problem you are having. Every time I called, they would say the same thing or that it's ready to ship. I switched over to Byram. You should call your insurance and tell them the problem you are having with them and see if you can change to another company.

Jan 11, 2018 4:02 am

I also have been experiencing the same issues with Edgepark lately. Like you, I do keep plenty of supplies on hand and thank goodness because it's taking me a lot longer to receive my order. I used to get it in 2 days and now it takes at least a week.

I recently placed my account on auto ship so every two months I get an email to confirm my auto ship and then about a week later I get the supplies. That's been working for me because what I order can really last me 3 months but I have them ship it every 2 months so that I have a good 1 month buffer just in case I have any issues with getting the order late.

Jan 27, 2018 12:17 am

Edgepark!! Just found out today that they are "not partnered" with my insurance! Found out from a message left YESTERDAY, go online to find my latest order "cancelled", no explanation. I've had that caught in the crossfire between waiting for approval and shipment. Now it seems that the January change in coverage (same plan, different group) I'm up the creek until Blue Cross finds me another supplier. Won't take the 90-day supply because I'm just settling in with my current products, hopefully these continue to work and I can order 90 days at a time. Last thing I want is to have a cupboard full of ostomy supplies I cannot use!!

My main complaint is that BCBS sends me EOB's almost daily, and the claims processor/approval grantor has no problem sending me their bills. You'd think that somebody, ANYBODY could have sent me notice that Edgepark was going out of contract!!!

And of course, it's Friday, so absolutely nothing can happen until Monday!!!

But I'm sure it could be worse so I'll just simmer til Mon ......


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 29, 2018 11:59 am

I'd get with a rep from whatever ostomy manufacturer you use, and see if they can direct you to a supplier. When I started out, Hollister was really good in helping me with this. I had a really generic insurance, and Edgepark was the only one who accepted them.

Jan 30, 2018 11:22 pm

UPDATE: Insurer calls with new supplier, advises me to wait to hear from them, or I could call them. They are sending all info to the supplier including DR's approvals signed Dec 4, 2017, good for one year. Of course, I call, the supplier has no info yet, they take all my info, let me order (you can get this, but not that. You can have twice as much as you need of wafers, but not a bottle of lubricant, AND packets). NEVER MIND, I just place the order for whatever they will send me WITHOUT having to ask for a new scrip (read approval). They will ship as soon as they receive the scrip (read approval) from the dr. New patient probably 5-6 business days to process ship.

Always one to look on the bright side (after all, my blood type is B-Positive), it could be worse, right? Grrrrr! Would love to say I'll wait patiently for my order, but the likelihood that it will go smoothly seems impossible.

So I'll be making DAILY calls from this revolving door to follow up because as my supplies dwindle, I'm getting crankier and crankier. Welcome to my 2018!!