Babydoll, I have an ileostomy for almost four years now. I am very lucky that I can eat pretty much anything I want, but different foods cause the body to react differently. Some (like onions, broccoli, and cabbage) cause gas, some (like pasta, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes) cause very thick output, and some (like sugar-laden items and salad greens) cause very liquid output. The real trick to what you can eat is that EVERYTHING must be chewed very thoroughly. CHEW, CHEW, CHEW, and ALWAYS drink fluids with anything you eat. Ileostomates tend to dehydrate very easily and quickly. Many folks tend to stay away from things like nuts, popcorn, or regular corn, and items that normally are more difficult to digest. I eat everything but am careful about amounts and CHEWING THOROUGHLY. The colon is the organ that absorbs fluids from the foods we ingest, and without a colon (or even missing a part of a colon), our output will be more liquid than a formed stool. If you are suffering abdominal pain, are vomiting or running a temperature, you have the symptoms of a blockage or a partial blockage. Gentle massage and HOT liquids can help, like tea, but if you are vomiting with ANY intake, you really should seek medical help and advice. A blockage of more than 6-8 hours distends the remaining intestine and can cause punctures, sepsis, and permanent damage. It can kill you. Doctors will tell you that if you even might possibly have a blockage, seek help.
About medications, they will generally not make you vomit. Loopy, yes, but you should be able to take necessary meds without issue. BUT, pain meds will NOT help the pain of a blockage. Also, you will find that any time-released medications DO NOT work as they should as they don't have enough time in your system to be effective. So be sure that your PCP is aware and adjusts any regular medications that you are on to ones that are not coated or time-released.
Good luck and feel better.