Hi Mary,
I just had a reversal done 5 weeks ago. My situation was micro perforations of diverticuli in late February. Initially I was treated with IV antibiotics in hopes to heal perforations, so I could do a controlled resection after a colon clean out. 8 days after initial perforation my temperature started rising with generalized feeling of crappiness. My surgeon found an abcess and inserted a drain under laparascopic procedure. 5 days later I fistulized into drain. Finally, I had a sigmoid colectomy with an end colostomy. My surgeon said he wouldn't consider reversal before 3-4 months. He wanted me to regain my strength and decrease the inflammation in my abdomen. Well my insurance plan was in negotiation with the hospital in my plan and if an agreement wasn't reached, my hospital would be out of network by July 1st. So I call my surgeons office to get on his schedule. I had my reversal June 8th. I was supossed to have it done laparascopically, but ended up having to being opened up midline, again. I went home on day 3. Healing has been much easier than the inital colostomy, due to muscle wasting with process leading up to the colostomy. I was back walking 3 miles per day, 1 week post-op. I wore depends briefs for a couple weeks, untill I felt comfortable that my body knew the difference between gas , liquid or stool. Right now, I have control 5 weeks post-op, but have more urgency than I did pre-procedures. I heed the call of nature faster than I did in the past!
I'm not sure what your circumstances are, but everyone is different, so it's hard to compare everyone's experiences. I also read some accounts of others that have had revearsals, which left me anxious. In my case I wasn't dealing with Crohn's or any other chronic inflammatory condition.
I wish you well in your journey...