First post . Alo Alo all :).
My profile has the history . So appending that . Currently constant gurgling and paristalis cramping. Loosing almost all food as output is small cubes amidst torrent of fluid.
Gas passing via ileostomy too amidst these bursts of food and water. Feeling drained out.... Very painful but not as per blockage. (I've had 3 with emergency surgery and the pain was incredible with black outs :( ).
So . I wonder what's diff. 5 days into this current difference. No appetite. Taking all usual meds (loadsssss of these ). Weight tanking . Again.....
15 years ileostomy so not new to differing periods at all. This is somewhat more severe. Gas gas gas water bile food undigested. Fun ! Not eating anything different recently. I do have small bowel restriction in areas related to scar tissue from prior resections from blockages and food moving thru here is very very noticeable ! Painful but I manage. Used to that .Heh
Hope we can chit chat and any ideas appreciated !
Uc/crohns/full large bowel Colectomy/Brooke ileostomy/epilepsy . :) .