Need help with ballooning pouch at night

Sep 05, 2018 4:09 pm

For the last couple of weeks, I've had issues with gas. My pouch inflates like a balloon during the night, and I have to get up at 5:00 in the morning to burp it. My PA suggested I crush a couple of GasX tablets and put them in my pouch, but it hasn't helped. It doesn't matter what I eat. Has anyone else had the same problem? If so, what did you do to resolve the problem? It's really beginning to wear me out.

Morning glory
Sep 05, 2018 5:23 pm

Hi flabbergasted..., I take Gas-X by mouth. Are you chewing your food thoroughly and not eating fast? Watch the spices and don't use a straw. These are just a few suggestions I have learned. I still have gas at times, but this has reduced it.

Morning glory

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Sep 05, 2018 7:02 pm


I too have had my pouch blow up like a balloon but not really during the night. During the day and evening. I eat all the wrong things so I think I bring it on myself. I have cut out bananas, one of my favorite foods! Will never stop eating Brussels sprouts! Lol I heard that Gas-X worked as well but taking it orally. If you find the secret cure, please share!


Sep 06, 2018 6:45 am

Hi - oddly enough, for the past 3 weeks I've been dealing with a simsim situation. Just overly gassy day and night and can't figure out why.

Background - I have had my ostomy for 20 plus years, never had any gas issues like this. Had my rectum removed 4 months ago, and post-op was a bit gassy but went away. Since then I've been building up my gut flora with a mixture of random things from my naturopath, and I suspect it's something to do with that, but not sure. No other variable I can think of. I'd rather not take Gas-X if I don't have to, I feel like that would just cause something else to happen, rather I'd like to find out why and fix it. My nutritionist wife says perhaps I may just be a gassy person and it's taken this long to get my gut flora to the point it's supposed to be functioning at. If that's the case, perhaps the Gas-X won't be such a bad idea!!! Ha!!

Sep 06, 2018 12:06 pm
Hello Flabbergastednks. Cruiseguy had a good idea a few weeks back for letting the gas out of the bag. I will copy his post below:  (I've just sent for a free sample)

Filter pouches don't work that great at expelling gas from your pouch. I like to use the Osto-EZ-vents. You attach them to top of your pouch and let the air out manually. More info on them at their website


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 07, 2018 4:49 pm

I have been drinking through a straw more lately. I do tend to eat fast and I think I chew my food thoroughly, however I tend to lean more towards spicy food as my chemo has made a lot of foods taste bland. I will try to eat more slowly and ditch the straw.


Sep 07, 2018 4:51 pm

I have been drinking through a straw more lately. I do tend to eat fast and I think I chew my food thoroughly, however I tend to lean more towards spicy food as my chemo has made a lot of foods taste bland. I will try to eat more slowly and ditch the straw.


Sep 07, 2018 4:57 pm

Puppyluv, I did buy the generic version of GasX, wonder if that's the problem? I'll try taking it orally and see if that helps. It used to only be when I ate broccoli or Brussels sprouts. Now it seems to be everything.

Thanks for the tip.
