I think one's attitude towards a pouch can depend on expectations. I have an ileostomy (10 years) and from the start only considered it permanent. That has led me to embrace it and figure out ways to make it work. The initial adjustment took awhile, but now I barely think about it and it really does not impact my life. It's barely an inconvenience at all.
On the other hand, having the prospect of getting rid of it presumably would change one's mindset to emphasizing the negatives and to dream of being back to "normal". Unfortunately for you, if being back to normal is back to being sick again like in 2015 and 2016, that doesn't sound so good.
It might not be possible, but if I were you, I would postpone the surgery and give myself some time frame, like 6 months or a year, to embrace the pouch and see if you can get to a better place. If you read blogs like this, almost inevitably newbies struggle (and if you really haven't liked it at all, you could still be kind of a newbie), while those of us who have longer-term experience tend to come to the conclusion that it is really not that big of a deal.
You might hate it so much that you can't do that. However, if you can at least get to a mindset that it is your friend in terms of avoiding more surgery, maybe you could try to embrace it. I'm pretty sure that at some point you would start feeling it is not a big deal. If you reach your timeframe (6 months or a year) and feel you are not moving towards being able to accept it, you could have the surgery then.