Ostomy Talk

Jul 26, 2023 3:31 pm

I'm really on the edge as I found out more bad news. I don't know what to do. No one seems to understand what I'm going through. I'm sure whoever, if anyone, is reading this will. I can't get a reversal. Maybe this isn't a big deal, maybe it is, but I have not come to terms with it at all. Anyway, just a shot in the dark posting here. Has anyone else received similar news and been crushed?

Jul 26, 2023 6:10 pm

Hey Dasey, what happened to your profile? I heard someone hacked it. And I didn't get that type of news, but other news and more stuff to go through after what I just got done going through the past couple of months.

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Jul 26, 2023 6:46 pm

Hello Daisy

Look around here, some people chose not to get a reversal. Honestly, it settles better with time. Look at all the people here who have given them cute names! Take a deep breath—it will be okay!

Jul 26, 2023 6:55 pm

Hey Daisy, we did think your account got hacked... getting messages that didn't sound like you then responses not lining up. Would love to get back in touch once I know your account is good.

Jul 26, 2023 6:58 pm

A reversal was never an option for me, so I would be lying if I said I know how you feel, but I can understand you must be upset. I'm sure other members will be along shortly that have been through the same as you.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 26, 2023 8:12 pm

Hi Daisy, If you went into this thinking it was only temporary, I can imagine it would be a big shock to find out this will be your reality forever. A lot to get your head around and find acceptance. I had no expectations either way when I had my initial surgery, as I had a perforated bowel and needed emergency surgery. I later was told that I could have a reversal, but it was not something my surgeon pushed for at all, and after doing my own research, I decided against it. Too many risks and a high chance of a poor outcome. I decided that I'm happy with the quality of life I have now and would not take a chance on a reversal. I see you have an ileostomy like me. I hope your surgeon discussed potential outcomes with you. People with colostomies have a much higher likelihood of successful reversals. People with ileostomies, not so much. I'm not sure this will make you feel any better, but you might be saving yourself a lot of grief by not having a reversal. Finding it in yourself to accept your new reality might take time, but you will get there, and there are lots of people here to help with support and empathy. Hang in there.


Jul 26, 2023 9:23 pm
Reply to Beth22

Hey... I'm not sure what happened to my account, if anything. I know my profile pic was deleted (seemed to disappear), so I updated it today! I used new pics though. I don't think I was hacked, but I'll change my password just in case.

I'm so sorry to hear you had more news too. I know you've been through a lot. It just gets overwhelming when you try so hard to do your best to be healthy and it's one thing after another. I hope you're okay and will continue to heal.

Jul 26, 2023 9:26 pm
Reply to vegan2share

Thank you for the words of encouragement. Not sure I'll give it a cute name, but I'll give that some thought. I'm hoping time helps but it's depressing to know this is my new normal even though I'm told I'll be healthier and people tell me that all the time that I look better since I got my ileostomy. Did you name yours?

Jul 26, 2023 9:28 pm
Reply to CrappyColon

I'm so sorry everyone thought my account was hacked. I would have deleted me too if I seemed to be a bot or someone else. I think my messages seemed weird because I've gone back to work and didn't have time to reply properly. Weird, right? Just been working a lot and didn't have as much time for the site. I missed it though! I love this website.

Jul 26, 2023 9:30 pm
Reply to Ben38

I know that's not an option for many, so I feel bad even complaining that I can't get one. I wasn't as upset at first, but I think it just didn't set in... Thanks for the response.

Jul 26, 2023 9:36 pm
Reply to TerryLT

I did go into this thinking that having a reversal was going to be the end result. They were about to take me into emergency surgery, and I almost didn't go through with it. I was traumatized from having one all through my adolescence and thought I couldn't bear to go through it again. The doctor before the surgery literally promised me I would be having one. Once I was passed off to the next doctor, he said there was no possibility. I took it well until time passed. Having already had a reversal, I realize now how lucky I was to have my J-pouch for as long as I did. Your message definitely does make me feel better. If I knew my reversal would be a failure, I'm not sure I wouldn't still choose it. That's half my depression talking too, though. I do know my ostomy saved my life, but sometimes I forget that and hate it anyway. Lol. I'll hang in there. Thanks for your message!

Jul 27, 2023 2:31 am

Hi Daisy

I had to go back to a stoma as the pouch/reversal was a disaster. Was a tough decision but I haven't looked back.


Jul 27, 2023 12:00 pm
Reply to Axl

Would be a tough decision. I guess I'm glad partly that I have no choice because I would choose to get it. I know I would. How long did it last?

ron in mich
Jul 27, 2023 12:57 pm

Hi Daisy, my oldest brother had colon cancer and had a temporary colostomy. After 6 months, he had it reversed, but now he has to take as many as 10 Imodiums a day to control diarrhea. He tells me he wished he never had the reversal. He's retired now, so he doesn't have to go to work and deal with those issues. He tells me he wished he had kept the pouch, even though he hated it.

Jul 27, 2023 3:08 pm
Reply to ron in mich

If it turned out worse, I can't imagine. I probably would want to get my ostomy back if I was taking that much to get through the day. I had to use the washroom so frequently when I had my J-pouch. Work is hard enough now; I couldn't imagine having to go to the washroom more! It's still disappointing, but all the comments are helping, so thank you for sharing.

Jul 28, 2023 12:14 am
Reply to Daisy2023

I put up with it for 12 months, taking a rotating cocktail of antibiotics, hoping it would sort itself out, but it didn't. I couldn't stand it anymore and went back to the ileo.

Jul 28, 2023 3:11 am

I can't get a reversal either. I waited for that surgery for months. It was on the books for March 30 of this year. On March 5 I met with the surgeon and she said a reversal wasn't possible. It was not good news. I am learning that it isn't the end of the world though. There are some good things about having a permanent ostomy. For one, you are alive!


Jul 28, 2023 12:59 pm

Daisy, anyone would be upset if they expected something and then were told it wasn't going to happen. May my crappy story make you feel better. I have an ileo and so was not slated for the optimal outcome (Terry mentioned the ileo outcome and she's right). I gave my j-pouch five years and couldn't take it anymore, the pain, the meds, the uncertainty. I know it's a shot in the dark because you're still feeling so upset, but maybe, just maybe, you dodged a bullet. Once you get through feeling what you need to feel now, you'll reach the next phase soon and feel more at peace. You'll start to consider everything related to your experience, not just the disappointment. Just talk it out and give yourself time.

Jul 29, 2023 2:48 am
Reply to eefyjig

Thank you for your reply. I'm trying to accept it, and you are probably right. I did dodge a bullet. Just after having one for 30 years, I had no idea people had so much trouble with them. I do remember my surgeon as a teen telling me it had a 50-50 chance of working. I'm not sure what the odds actually are, but that always stood out to me. I think I did have J-pouch problems, but they were my normal since I was so young when I got it. I forget that they won't all work out.

Jul 29, 2023 2:50 am
Reply to Axl

Yes this is awful. I'm sorry for you having to go through that! The girl in the bed next to me in the hospital the last time I was in was back to get her ostomy back. So many surgeries it's scary.

Jul 29, 2023 2:52 am
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Yes it's very crushing to hear that news when they already told you it was going to be possible. That is what happened to me as well. I think that makes it sting a bit more but yes it's great to be alive!

Rose Bud đŸŒ¹
Jul 29, 2023 5:49 pm

Hey Daisy, I know how you feel. I was told I could be reversed, but when the time came to discuss it, I was told I couldn't because I was still on TPN and she wanted me to be healthy again before she would do another surgery. (I flatlined the first time.) Then, once I got off of it, I went into kidney failure and wound up getting MAC Lung Disease last year. THEN, after multiple ERCPs finding out I had fluid in my abdomen and a narrow bile duct which needed a stent, and now I'm doing this for the 4th time in September and was told my pancreatic duct is inflamed and I have Chronic Pancreatitis and have to be monitored for Pancreatic Cancer and am starting to lose weight again after being steady for the last year... My reversal is NOW a no-go. So, with all that being said, I look at it this way... Reversals are no guarantee and I'd rather keep it than reverse it and have to do yet another surgery and after 3 years, it's just become the norm for me. Would I like to just sit down and go? Of course, but it's not going to happen and it's not the end of the world and I'm still alive so that's a plus! And talking helps to relieve some of the depression behind it and it's okay NOT to feel OK at times about what we have to go through day to day that most people don't!

Past Member
Jul 30, 2023 10:37 am

Hi Daisy, a reversal was never an option for me. But I do know how I felt when I found that out. Pretty devastated. It did take a while to get my head around it and accept it as my 'new reality'. Sending loads of positive vibes your way.

Past Member
Jul 30, 2023 8:05 pm


I had an ileostomy in 2007. Hated it. Got it reversed after a year. Fast forward. 2020 I got rectal cancer. Had radiation and chemo. After a year, I was cancer free. Now, because if the damage done to my rectum by the radiation, I'm having permanent ostomy surgery. Feel kinda like you do. I know it'll make my life better, but still wrapping my head around it. I know it gets better, and I think we can do this together!!

Jul 31, 2023 1:30 am

Hi Daisy

I'm sorry this news is so crushing to you. Yes, when I originally received my news crushed me too. That was 50 years ago. I was 20 years old and newly married. I cried for days. Fortunately, my husband loved me and helped me accept it. Eventually, that marriage ended but not because of the ostomy. I dated and remarried a wonderful man. I have lived a very good life in the past 50 years that I wouldn't have lived otherwise. I traveled to Europe, Alaska, and Canada. I worked at a very busy hectic job that also had me traveling everywhere. I realized that the ostomy was a part of my life just like any other part of my body. I did not let the ostomy be my sole life or control my life.

I pray that you can accept the ostomy and live a good life as I have.

Kind Regards


Jul 31, 2023 3:42 pm

You'll be fine, I was devastated when they told me about mine. I have come to grips with it because it beats being in a grave. I do everything I used to, but I just have to take extra care not to overdo it or hurt myself.
It's a way of life and life isn't over; it's actually a new beginning. My wife is 100% okay with it and it doesn't affect our relationship at all.

Jul 31, 2023 4:00 pm
Reply to Daisy2023

Daisy, it is a tremendous adjustment... the ongoing care required, the body image change, dietary/nutrition questions, the concerns about how to dress to disguise the bulge. I am three years in, and all of the above still vexes me. Coming here, knowing I am not alone, that others are coping successfully, is very helpful. I try to remember to be grateful to God that I am alive. I am still dealing with anxiety/PTSD/depression issues related to long, complicated surgeries and recovery, including rehab for atrophy of muscles. So easy—it's not! Time has a healing power. Hang in there! There are better times ahead. Best wishes! Sunny

Jul 31, 2023 5:48 pm

Hang in there, Daisy. There are over a million of us. Mayo left my terminal colon for a hookup. After 16 months, the disease kept exuding pus. I asked them to remove it. Daily bleach enemas were miserable. Hey, we are alive, living our lives to the best of our abilities, and I'm grateful for that.

Newbie Dana
Jul 31, 2023 8:02 pm

It will take time getting used to it. I had colon cancer: resection, chemo, radiation. Thought all was going pretty well, but radiation damage caused a sore that wouldn't heal, and finally perforated. Cue the ostomy, with the notation that he expected to reverse in 6-12 months once that area would finally heal. Except, of course, it never would heal (to this day, 8 years later, still get bloody discharge from what's left of my colon). Although never explicitly discussed, I came to the conclusion no reversal would ever be possible after 2 years of it not healing. That actually gave me the time to come to terms with it gradually, so now I really don't even think about it much. Just another thing on "graceful aging" to-do list: try to exercise every day, get glasses to help my eyesight, think about a hearing aid, make sure I always have sufficient ostomy supplies.

People say be grateful, think of the advantages vs disadvantages, etc. That helps, but really, coming to terms with a permanent ostomy is an emotional, not rational thing. So all I can really say is, do things to raise your spirits, don't obsess, and eventually acceptance comes. It's really only when you look back that you realize how far you have come. Chin up, virtual hugs, and keep going!

Aug 01, 2023 3:28 am

OK... now I'm getting concerned. I have a temporary ileostomy and am waiting on a reversal (at 6 months now). I would have thought the reversal to be the easy surgery. I had rectal cancer and the area was excised with clean borders and cured. No other cancer/lymph node involvement. Reading these posts, I'm getting scared. I don't want another surgery if it won't be successful... in fact, the surgeon never mentioned any concerns for a reversal. The initial surgery knocked me for a loop (first major surgery at 62 years of age). I guess the good part is that the whole thing isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... I never wanted a bag at all, so I will ask my surgeon the pros and cons. If I had to have this forever, it wouldn't be the worst thing.