What Do You Keep in Your Go Kit for Ostomy Care?

Sep 08, 2024 11:10 pm

I carry a backpack with everything that I would need to change my one-piece bag. I use a one-piece Hollister bag that I can open and empty in any restroom. I also carry a washcloth and an extra shirt and summer shorts just in case. I carry a full water bottle with me to the restroom, and after I empty my bag, I wash it out. The only blowouts I've had have been at home at night. I have to change my bag every 2-3 days because of high output. I would never dream of changing my bag in a restroom. It would have to be an emergency. I would also never use a closed bag.

Sep 08, 2024 11:50 pm
Reply to Ziploc

At zip... your stoma nurse told you no leaks per month is the deal? None? Zip? Nada?

Unless I misunderstood, then she's saying zero leaks per month is status quo.

30 days without a leak on the same appliance? She is an ass clown.

Unless you constantly change your bag every 2 days just out of fear, I'd tell your nurse to suck an egg.

Leaks happen with ileos. Fact.

Body movement will affect your base plate and ring. Fact.

Unless you stood vertical 24/7 - without bending, sweating, etc., you're not gonna leak with a good appliance...

BTW... Welcome. It sounds like you got a good handle on your situation. Congrats!

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Sep 10, 2024 12:16 am
Reply to rlevineia

Hey, now don't shoot the messenger for the message.

I did say it was "suggested" by a fellow member, and the replies or comments about the idea were all positive then.

It was a woman, I think. Very clever. Someone also said to use gum to cover that toilet sensor flushing eye.

Me? I stand very still like a deer caught in headlights around those toilets... Works for me.