The series of 'mini-models' are theories that were worked out for different individuals that were asking certain questions and/or were needing guidance on particular aspects of controlling their emotions.
I used to sit in cafes and work on these theories by drawing the illustrative graphics on table napkins. I often reflect that drawing them gradually in this way, helped the people watching to follow the theory as it developed, rather than have it all handed to them completed. However, having written it all down and, with you being so far away, we have to make do with what we have.
All of my mini-models link to a concept of what is 'functional', what is 'dysfunctional' and what is 'neutral' as far as far as emotional energy is concerned. Needless to say, I believe that putting 'T' before 'A' is much more functional that the dysfunction that often flows from getting it the other way around. The first of these models is about emotional 'BALANCE' AND IT tries to answer the question as to why I did not adopt the same or similar approaches as my employers in the criminal justice system; the medical profession and in formal learning. For these models, I would like very much for you to get yourself a piece of paper and a pencil and draw the same graphics that I would draw if you were sitting here with me. The drawing is a very simple set of old fashioned scales - like the ones represented on the statue over the Royal Courts of Justice in London.
The graphic helps to clarify the concept of 'keeping life in balance' as well as identifying the basic techniques of balance.
On the left hand of the scales you could draw a letter 'D' which represents problems,Downward Drag, Dysfunction, Downward pressure, Depression etc.
On the other side of the scales you could put a 'U' to represent all those things that are Uplifting and the opposite of Drags.
Now we come to explaining two different strategies for trying to keep a balance when there are more drags than uplifts. The first strategy is the use of 'props'.
I would ask you to illustrate this on your drawing by sketching a stick figure underneath the 'Drag' side of the scales. The use of 'PROPS' is widespread in the medical profession when people complain of problems because they are treated with pills, surgery, etc, which, at best, tend to be short-term solutions to long-term problems. Once the 'props' are taken away, there instantly become an imbalance again, unless a different strategy is learned in the meantime. I also view formal , Curriculum-based learning as a 'prop' in the sense that it tells people to remember answers that have already been worked out, instead of helping people to ask their own questions and find out the answers for themselves. It is, in my view a subtle form of 'bullying' or brainwashing. It leads the 'teachers to the conclusion that only the establishment curriculum is right and any answers that are 'different' are seen as 'wrong'. The criminal Justice System is also a 'prop' on behalf of the established order of things but in that case they use punishment as the prop. Often it only works at the time it is being administered, just like the other props.
I usually use the analogy of props being like a car jack. The purpose of which, is to quickly and efficiently enable repairs to be undertaken.
If the car-jack is left in position, it is unlikely to help if someone wants to move on in their life's journey.
My theory postulates that there is an alternative strategy, which is much more effective at helping people achieve emotional 'BALANCE' in the longer term. That is SOLAR, short for Self-Organised Living And Reflecting. ( more of that later)
I quite like this illustrative model because it encompasses the concept that keeping balance is a 'delicate' thing as it can oscillate either way in the process of trying to maintain an equilibrium.
When I read your example of taking control of your emotions during your car journey, it put me in mind of this concept of trying to keep a balance by using your own efforts and strengths. This is the sort of thing that needs persistent practice in order to achieve a more advanced skill and a regular healthy emotional balance in life.
Best wishes