holidays,(first ever blog)

Nov 13, 2012 11:56 am
Well here goes, my first ever blog, hope someone reads it,I've had my urostomy for 15 years now due to spinal injury, I try and live life to the full, I love going on holiday, Turkey is my favourite place, been there for the last 6 years. Last year we went to NZ, stopped over in Singapore for 2 nights to break the journey. It was a fab place, only one problem I had was the fact that because it was so humid my stoma pouches wouldn't stick, bloody annoying when your on a coach trip and hey you have a leak. We had 3 amazing weeks in Nz, then back home via Hong Kong for another 2 nights. Only thing I found a pain was the long flights, especially with a stoma, I was scared to take a nap incase I slept too long and got a leak on the plane.But hey it was ok. I am heading off to Poland at end of this month so I am looking forward to that, think I will need my thermal long johns on for that trip.

Be lucky people. (and please comment)

Nov 13, 2012 1:59 pm
Hi, this is my first ever comment on a blog so here goes! I know what you mean about sleeping on a plane. I have an ileostomy which has similar problems with filling up but I also worry,apologies for bluntness, about the smell I leave behind in the loo! Especially if there is a queue waiting. I still find that embarrassing even after 14 years as 'ladies' arent supposed to leave a pong! I havent yet had any leaks but usually empty it umpteen times before I board and put extra tape around the wafer to re-inforce it. What we do in the name of stomas ehh? Hope you have a good holiday in Poland!
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Nov 13, 2012 2:17 pm
Oh, and I have never had any problems going through security either which,judging by other peoples experiences is rare! I always carry my ileo card with translations just in case! Karen
Nov 13, 2012 2:20 pm
Hi! Just wanted to let you know about a great product I found out about on this site from a fellow ostomate. It's called Just A Drop and you can order it online. It really helps a lot and my non-ostomy family members use it now, too and won't go anywhere without it. Tiny little bottle fits in your purse, plus they are great stocking stuffers!
Nov 13, 2012 2:24 pm
Hi bmeup, Thanks I will look it up. Most of the stuff I get through my suppliers is a bit rubbish and sort of 'masks' odours so am all for trying anything new. Karen

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Nov 13, 2012 2:20 pm
Just wanted to add that I spent six weeks in Poland in November/December 1991. It was a great trip and an interesting time to be there right after the communists pulled out and the wall came down. From Poland you can see many other places in a flash which is what I did. A day in Berlin, a day or two in Prague, etc, etc. Dress warmly!!! It is freezing cold there. You must go to the castle in Krakow, Old City in Warsaw. I stayed in Torun and it was beautiful! Happy trails!
Nov 13, 2012 2:37 pm
About the just A Drop : don't bother with the room spray. It did not help at all. The best thing for that which I have found is the M-9 spray. That stuff is awesome! And you can purchase a small purse size as, well. Most medical suppliers carry it or you can get it directly from Hollister.
Nov 13, 2012 2:41 pm
Thanks. I am with Amcare, so will give them a call to see if they have it. If not, will go online to Hollister. It should be good for home too as I haved moved from house with two bathrooms to only one, which is ok when just me and my daughter, but if she has friends over, I get a bit paranoid about it all as dont want to embarrass her!
Nov 13, 2012 2:46 pm
Totally understand! I have a 10 yr old boy, but am lucky enough to have my own bathroom. Good luck!
Past Member
Nov 13, 2012 11:33 pm
Totally get the plane travel and having to use the toilet. I recently travelled and was glad that nearly all the toilets had an air freshner in them which really helped. I also try to watch what I eat before I travel. Thank you though for the information on the sprays one can get.
Nov 14, 2012 10:38 am
wow loads of comments!! might carry on with this blogging malarkey,today its pouring with rain in wet Central Scotland, I've walked the dog came home washed and changed and now ready to go to school,I'm not a pupil, I do youth work around the schools in my area.Have a nice day lucky people
Nov 14, 2012 1:33 pm
Hi Gordon, I think I will continue commenting too as get some useful info on here. Its cold but sunny in North East England but sure your rain is on its way here! I just popped home for a cuppa then back to work. Have fun.
Nov 14, 2012 2:01 pm
Hi Kazza( whats your first name?)the rains never stopped here today, its damp and grey, but nevermind I'm done for the day so its coffee time for a bit, then dinner to be made.Beef biryani tonight. And hey its nice to see someone from the UK on here.catch up soon maybe, be lucky
Nov 14, 2012 2:29 pm
Hi Gordon, I have noticed that there aren't too many uk members, especially on the forums. I am off back to work soon but home around six thankfully. I will probably have a feta and red pepper tart for my meal tonight (not home made though)then quiet night in. I'm Karen. Chat again soon.
Past Member
Nov 14, 2012 3:23 pm
A drop of peppermint oil in the bag helps with smell or aromatherapy oils.
Nov 15, 2012 11:44 am
Hello Gordon. Thank you so much for your post. I used to go to NZ regularly before the ostomy. But I have been reluctant to consider it since. I also have other medical stuff that I would need to carry and it all seemed like too much of an effort. However, your post has got me rethinking my position and maybe I will consider it a challenge to embark upon for the future. It was good to know that you are from the UK as journeys to NZ from here are so long and if someone else can do it without major problems I don't see why I shouldn't give it a go.Best wishes Bill
Nov 15, 2012 1:02 pm
Bill go for it, I informed the airline that I had a stoma so got a seat near toilets,(not too near though as u end up with loads of people standing next to you on the isle queue.As you probably noticed I broke the journey up by stopping over on the way there and on way back.
Nov 15, 2012 1:02 pm
Karen ,I hope you enjoyed your feta tart for dinner last night, my biryani was tasty. I haven't got full membership unfortunatly so cannot email anyone :(
Nov 15, 2012 1:29 pm
Hi Gordon, yes it was lovely. Should really have made my own but dont seem to have the time. Have made a stew and dumplings for tonight to warm me up when in from work! I haven't got full membership either lol
Nov 16, 2012 9:37 am
Morning Gordon, the weather here is frosty but sunny! My car needed de-icing (groan)but at least the weekend is almost upon us! :-)
Nov 16, 2012 1:36 pm
Afternoon Karen, hope you have thawed out from scraping car this morning,it was cold and wet here again this morning, I was up early and away to Perth first thing, when I came back home I was forced to wash the car as 2 bloody taxis almost run me off the road on a narrow country lane! its a shame we don't have full membership that way we could email each other :(. I will give this a try though dbusman @ hotmail put it together and u know what u have..Hope you have a gr8 weekend. I am off to a couple of gigs at weekend, going to see Chuck Ragan on Saturday and Fran Turner Sunday, google them I'm sure you will enjoy!! Gordon
Nov 16, 2012 2:13 pm
Hi Gordon, just googled Chuck Ragan..very good. Reminds me of some of Bruce Springsteens less raucous stuff! I am off to the theatre tomorrow to see The Woman in Black. Have seen the film version which was good but theatre version is supposed to be alot scarier! Will let you know if I get spooked by friend has booked us seats near the front!!! Will check out Fran Turner too. Have a great weekend too. Karen
Nov 16, 2012 3:09 pm
Hey Karen enjoy the theatre, I love going to it, if I could afford to I would go every weekend!Can't remember seeing the woman in black, but please let me know how it was, it might tour and come to wet Scotland! I was out seeing Greg davis last night he was so so funny,in fact I had sore sides laughing, in my last post I gave you my email...... it was wrong doh its I know its normally blocked out but I will try it, Have a fab weekend Gordon
Nov 16, 2012 5:40 pm
Have given it a try. Check your inbox to see if it works! Karen
Nov 20, 2012 11:32 am
got you thanks. Gordon