Clip or Velcro Closures for Ostomy Bags - Which Do You Prefer?

Sep 09, 2024 8:50 am
Reply to doryns

Hmm... how does that compare with the Velcro? I mean, you are reusing the same bag with an open end and a clip, correct?

Your logic shows Velcro wears out? Can't be used for 15 years? Is that right? Hmm. Loses its stickiness? Hmm.

I guess it would do that after 15 years. Who keeps their same bag for 15 years though? That sucker is worn, ha ha!

I'm biased. I replace my bag and base plate in one change. Think of it as being fresh.

I do understand some have a limited budget.

Have you ever lost your clip? Broken it? Doesn't it seem a bit bulky?

Interesting reply. Thank you.

Sep 09, 2024 2:43 pm
Reply to IGGIE

My portable emptying device. Hollister disposal bags fit perfectly. Drill a tiny hole on the side, allows bag to expand. Carry it in an emergency bag.

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Sep 09, 2024 2:44 pm
Reply to Morning glory

Coloplast is the worst, yuck

Sep 09, 2024 3:50 pm
Reply to rlevineia

Sorry, but I can't work out the photo. Do you have a better angle? IGGIE

Sep 09, 2024 4:02 pm
Reply to Beachboy

BB this has to be 25% commission. Love you man, have a good day. Regards IGGIE


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
