Falling off the Back Step - A Lucky Escape!

Dec 23, 2019 8:33 am

So after doing a bit of last-minute shopping last night, I knew it would take a couple of trips to the car to bring everything in. I live in an apartment building which has both a front and back door entrance. I live in the front, so I usually take the front entrance. But because the only parking space left was nearer to the back, I took the back. I had a 12-pack of water and a carrier bag and had just nicely stepped up onto the back step, which is quite high. I put the water down, opened the door, which is quite heavy, and when I bent down to pick up the water, I somehow lost my step and felt myself falling forward. There wasn't a darn thing I could do to stop myself. Next thing I knew, I fell off the step and landed face down in the grass and dirt. My left side took the fall really hard, which is the side my bag is on. There was some air in the bag, so it kinda acted a bit like a cushion and didn't even pop off. I am sore all over now, but nothing major. My stoma is quite big, so if it wasn't for the air in the bag, my stoma might have been hurt. There must have been an ostomy angel looking out for me. Lol. Have a great day, all, and be careful!


P.S. I did a lot of cursing at that stupid f-----g step after I got back up and gave it a kick. Hahaha

Past Member
Dec 23, 2019 11:40 am

I am glad you are okay. While I was reading, I was too worried. I have felt so many times in the past that I can't leave home without some kind of protection. This time your "airbag" saved you.

Take care.

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Dec 23, 2019 3:02 pm


Glad you are okay. Since surgery, chemo, radiation, etc., I find myself a bit unsteady at times. More so than before. I have stumbled a few times but nothing more than going down on a knee over the dog. It is a scary thought to fall up or down the stairs. I have a room over and work on crafts up there so I am always thinking about losing my balance. I always hold on to the rail or at least lean on the wall as I go up or down for support. It is working so far!
Hope your toe is okay from kicking the step! Lol


Dec 23, 2019 4:37 pm

Hello Angie.

I'm glad you came out of that one relatively okay. I fall over quite regularly because my legs give way suddenly. However, it's more of a crumble than a fall so I don't usually get injured. There are some occasions where it is quite dangerous and that is when I'm descending the stairs. Sometimes my rubber shoes get caught on the bottoms of my trousers and for a split second I have tripped and once or twice tumbled to the bottom of the stairs. To counter this, I tend to wear my trousers tucked inside my socks , which makes it look as if I'm about to go out on my bicycle, but I don't care as it is so much safer than the alternative. I have also taken to holding onto the banister rail,  which is something I never used to do when I was younger.

One of the worst falls I had, was when I bought some bedding plants from the market and was carrying them in front of me in boxes up to my chin. I could see perfectly well where I was going except for the concrete bollard which was below my vision line. I went head-first, diving into the plants and sprawling all over the ground. Loads of people came to my assistance, which made it all the more embarrassing. Fortunately, I was more shocked than hurt, but it did make me realise that there are times when accidents are going to happen no matter what.  It reminds me of that saying " Live for today - for tomorrow you di-ve."

Best wishes


Dec 23, 2019 10:17 pm

Hibritathrt60, so glad you are okay. I have been blessed so far, no falls, just kind of stagger sometimes but catch myself. I always keep some air in my pouch to help protect it. Please be careful.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Dec 23, 2019 11:24 pm

Hi Ange,

Yikes! Glad you are ok. I'd say my primary fear with wearing this poop bag isn't that it will "come off" on its own, but that something like you described will happen. I try to keep my bag no more than 1/3 full, but sometimes when I drink liquids it gets full FAST. But I've fallen a number of times when cutting up trees in the woods, tripped over my pooch (who is always right behind me at all times), etc., and I've never had the fall cause the pressure on the bag to break my barrier seal. But I'm concerned at times, like when someone comes around the corner at work fast and you plow into each other, or someone fooling around grabs you from behind around the waist (boys will be boys).....it's those unexpected instances that worry the crap out of me. Yeah, pun intended I guess.........seems on here it's hard not to pun. I guess I should post a question about stomas getting beat up.......mine seems to be able to take quite a beating, as I've banged into lots of things with it and it just bleeds a bit and then goes back to normal.........but would like to hear from others' experiences.

So first and foremost, glad you're ok, if not a little bruised up. Sounds like you need to find a nice Canuck ostomate boyfriend to carry in those groceries for ya!! I hear this site and the "other" one have some success with that......so you go girl!!




Dec 24, 2019 12:57 am

Hey, glad to hear you came out alright. The fact that the bag didn't pop, it acted like a cushion and you came out okay... yeah, I agree the ostomate angel was with you.

Dec 24, 2019 5:44 am

Thanks everyone for your posts....I am still a bit sore today..mainly my left arm and hand probably from trying to break my fall...stupid big step doesn't have handrails either side of it..good thing I fell off it on the grass and dirt side...the other side is all concrete..ugh!

Dec 26, 2019 11:12 pm

You may just have a project in your to-do list! Handrails would be a big benefit! Glad you are okay. Sorry you are so sore! That will be with you for a few days as will the beautiful bruises!

Dec 27, 2019 3:42 am

So when people fall in Canada, do they go "bang"?... And we folks in America go boom or whack... Hmm... Hmm (just thinking out loud.)

Angie... Glad you're alright. Lucky you had your airbag on... (poof)? (pop) Hmm... Oops, thinking out loud again...

It sounds like you got hit with a bit of vertigo. Have you had that happen before? I don't like stairs... Especially climbing up or down... In the dark or twilight... Gotta have the handrail... For sure. And lights!

Be careful, huh? Can't have you going out with a "bang". :)

Dec 27, 2019 6:06 am

Ostomy Angel... not an expression that I have previously heard. May I borrow it... happy to quote you properly. It is a good notion. Be careful out there. So many steps to trip over... Best, Ninja in California