Advice on Managing a Pouch for Sports After Bladder Surgery

Mar 05, 2010 4:51 pm
Hi all,

I had my bladder removed due to cancer in January.

I am trying to get used to wearing a pouch and handling the associated problems.

I am starting to feel better and have a couple of questions some of you may have already experienced.

I am an avid Golfer and Bowler, I am looking for advise on how to handle the pouch during these activities, doing a web search has not given me much info.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Mar 05, 2010 6:49 pm
Hi, unfortunately I know nothing about urostomies as I have an ileo, but just wanted to say welcome .... Rachel x
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Mar 05, 2010 7:35 pm
I cant tell you much but, I would keep an emergency kit handy, extra bag,wafer, Skin prep and that sort of stuff You never know what can happen Good luck
Mar 05, 2010 8:29 pm
Hello yupper10. I had my Bladder removed 3 yrs ago due to cancer same as you. In all honesty you shouldnt have too much of a problem with your activities. If you have , so far, experieced no problem with your pouch or its adhesive , it shouldent bother you in the future.

I dont do much sport because I'm 64, but I carry on with life as normal , car maintainance, car washing , gardening , shopping & DIY.Etc with no probs.

I would reccomend wearing a nice snug fitting pair of underpants to support the stoms, bag & any post op " Beer Belly" you may have . Also dont go too mad with lifting heavy stuff ,you dont really want a peristomal or incisional hernia. ( I've just had an Incisional hernia successfully repaired)

As " Gutenberg" suggested , always carry a little Emergency bag around with you containing wipes , a couple of new bags , disposable bag & maybe a couple of tissues.

I keep one in my car & one in my wifes car--just in case.

I use a one piece baggie - I find this much convenient than separate Flange/wafers & I change my bag every 48 hours ( one bag gets 2 sleeps)

Every time you empty your bag give the  wafer a quick check .

Hope this helps  &  try not to let it spoil your sport.........Cheers .... Pete,, UK
Mar 05, 2010 9:12 pm
Thanks Guys and Gals,

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I appreciate the support, I was playing golf until my diagnosis in December and all my buddies are wanting me back to take more money from me

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They don't know I'm claiming them on my IRS Forms.

Has anyone used a Nu-Hope belt for support?

I was reading a few of the other posts and some of the people were talking about them, I have no knowledge.

Thanks again for the replies, I will keep checking back.

I was given this web site by my ET Nurse and she wanted me to report back to her about content and assistance. Is this site basically a forum of like minded people who help each other? I have read other posts and it seems like that but then I see a some for dating and socializing.

I'm impressed and intend to report back to her that the site is worthwhile for her new patients.

Thanks again

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Mar 05, 2010 9:33 pm
Hi, the site is for any purpose you want it to be really - a lot of us are here purely to find friends with similar problems and get advice, and some of us are hoping to take things a step further and find a new relationship with someone who will understand just how things are.

I hope you have received some suitable advice? Thanks for promoting us!

Rachel x
Mar 05, 2010 10:11 pm
Yea yup, all ,sorts go on here-- Medical, Political, Chat , Jokes, Sex ( Oh yea I remember that)  Anything within reason!!

I can get a bit short with people & sometimes sarcastic , but thats just me!!

I , personally try & keep off Filth ( unless in a good joke) Race, & personal attacks .

Other than that most folks are pretty broad minded---Well you gotta be where Piddle & Crap are concerned!!
Mar 05, 2010 11:05 pm
Hmm do we give suport and advice on here, HELL NO!

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jUST kIDDING ,, The fo;ks here would have to be the most knowledgeable, caring, supportive and loving bunch of crazy misfits I have ever had the pleasure of chattin with. I wouldn't swap any  one of them for anything. They are great peeps and I call em my new family.

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Past Member
Mar 06, 2010 2:28 am
Hey Yupper

                 Welcome to the site. As for your activities, I have a Colsotomy 13 years now and it hasnt slowed me down as far as golf goes. I keep a change in my golf bag in case of emergency. I know its a little different for you. But when you have to empty your bag just go into the woods like everybody else does or wait to reach the porto potty. Im a carpenter by trade and still work in the indusrty. I refuse to let my disability keep me down
Mar 06, 2010 10:53 am

Like you I am a newby, had a urostomy September 2009.   I am also a golfer, and indoor bowler in the winter.   I started bowling and swimming after about 10 weeks and started to play a few holes of golf after 3 months and now playing 18 holes and bowling and swimming each week, without problems.   When I play golf or bowls I wear a pair of elasticated boxer shorts to hold my bag firm and give me some extra support.   When I swim I wear an elasticed waist band for the same reason.   I also, sometimes use hydrocolloid security strips which you stick on the ecges of the flange.   The boxers and waist bands I obtained from a firm called Comfizz Ltd. and the security strips from Salts Healcare.   Hope this helps but let me know if you want any more information.   Unfortunately my golf has not improved since the operation, wayward as ever, some things never change.
Texas Girl
Mar 06, 2010 3:38 pm
I did also have my blatter with everything eles removed. But they made me a blatter out of my intens. So I can catherize myself about every 3 hours.  I don't think this info. will help you because I guess you don't have a blatter at all.  I just wanted to say Hi.
Mar 06, 2010 4:09 pm
Hi Sportsman,

You Give me hope, my recovery was set back by a couple of weeks because of some kidney problems but I am getting better fast. I am looking forward to bowling in a couple of weeks and swinging my clubs shortly after. I investigated the Comfizz sight and purchased a couple of the Boxers. I think this is what I was looking for, thanks for the post,I was most worried about my pouch moving around during motion and I believe this will be great.

Hit 'em straight and not to often!

Thanks again

Mar 06, 2010 4:48 pm
Hi Bobby,

Missed your post at first, getting a lot of help here.

Thanks for the tip on carrying extras to the course. Some of the places I end up in, my swing path could end up popping my pouch, we play everything down, so you know what I mean.

How long did it take you to regain your strength and coordination so you were hitting close to what you had been able to? The weather her is finally warming up and I'm getting cabin fever.

Any other tips would be appreciated.


Past Member
Mar 06, 2010 9:54 pm
Hey Yupper

             Each case is unique and different. It took me six months to get back to normal again. I had my rectum removed and it took weeks just to ba able to walk without pain. Then another round of chemo and that sucked the life out of me. So it all depends on your situation. I must admit I dont drive the ball as well as i use to, but have taken a new approach and let the club do the work. So I using a seven iron 150 yds out instead of an eight same difference as long as your still around to enjoy the game its all good.
Mar 07, 2010 9:38 pm
I have an ileostomy but what about trying a hernia belt. It might give the support and confidence to bowl without wondering if "old faithful" is about to blow!! The belts are wider and most places custom make them. If you have insurance, it may be covered. Good luck!!! ZZ