Hi D,
What Terry is describing is called an Oral Rehydration Solution, or ORS. You can Google that and there's TONS of information on it, including lots of recipes. The World Health Organization has at least two formulations for ORS........they might have more, I haven't checked in a while. But the important thing to remember is you can make an ORS out of almost anything, as long as you keep the ratio of sugar (glucose) and sodium (from table salt) correct for the amount of ORS you are making. A word of warning with using plain water........when you mix sugar and a bunch of salt in it.......it's going to taste like crap. If you've ever swallowed sea water at the beach........it's like that. I strongly suggest you used flavored drinks your first time around, as your first impression of drinking sea water won't be a good one. Your taste buds will acclimate to the flavor over time.......and if you drink it a lot you'll even start to prefer it over regular drinks. But it takes time.
When I got out of the hospital after being short gutted I had to deal with SEVERE dehydration. I mean I was thirsty 24/7 and not a minor thirst......it was all I could think about....and I couldn't really drink or it would go right thru me. Hopefully most will never experience that kind of thirst, but if you ever do.......you won't forget it. And when I first tasted ORS it was simply sugar and salt mixed in water full strength. And I puked. No kidding........right after the first couple of sips. I had my girlfriend taste it and after just a sip she exclaimed "Oh hell no!"So I read up on it, as it seemed to be my only way out, and discovered that our taste buds do get used to things. Even really bad things if you sort of sneak up on it. So I started out making my ORS with just a little salt and sugar. I knew it wouldn't really be effective that way, but the plan was to slowly increase the sugar and salt as my taste buds allowed. I knew it would work because back in high school I got a job working in a Char-Broiled burger joint. One of the guys there would only drink Tab diet soda. If you've never tasted Tab it tasted like pure shit. I mean it wasn't even close to a normal cola, it was just some chemicals thrown together for folks on diets. At the time I was playing football and working out and watching what I was eating. At one point I wanted to shed a couple pounds so I tried drinking that damned Tab. I started out mixing it with my Coke in greater and greater portions until after a couple weeks I could drink it straight. And by the end of the season I actually liked the taste of Tab. So remembering that I didn't see why I couldn't do the same with ORS. And that's what I did. Now ORS tastes perfect to me, while regular soda is way too sweet.....and diet sodas aren't sweet enough.
Now remember I said there were at least 2 formulations via the WHO. The first was what was used forever to get kids in 3rd World Countries healthy after they were drinking contaminated water. It's the high-test stuff. When I was working on getting used to ORS I noticed that well before I got to the ratio of sugar to salt that the WHO recommended, I was starting to get my hydration under control. So I stopped well before getting to the recommended sugar to salt ratio (it's called osmolarity) and explained my findings to my Dietician. She really didn't know what to say, but about a year later the WHO published (and recommended) a reduced osmolarity version ORS......which just so happened to be the ratio that I found worked well for me. The reduced osmo ORS uses half the salt of the original ORS, which makes it much more palatable........but you still want to sneak up on it if you can.
Once you get the hang of it you'll be whipping up ORS mixes in seconds, no matter where you are. My favorite uses sodas, and I know many don't like carbonated beverages.....but I can (and do) make an ORS anywhere they sell soda. I brought home the cups they use at all the restaurants and marked them to show the levels I needed for the right amount of sugar. Then I memorized the markings, so when I go to a fast food place I get a 32 oz cup.......then I put in about 5 oz of regular cola (Coke or Pepsi)........I know by looking at the inside of the cup where to fill it to with the regular cola. Then I dump in 2 of those little salt packets you get at the counter........then fill the rest with Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi......or a combo of one of them and seltzer to get the sweetness I want. Easy peasy, although folks will look at you funny for pouring salt in your soda.
But the bottom line is ORS works. You can use lemonade, iced tea, iced coffee......whatever your poison.......as long as you only use enough to get the amount of sugar you need for the total volume you're making. So normally for a liter of ORS it's 25-29 grams of sugar added to 1/2 TSP of salt........in a 32 oz container. If you really want to get crazy you can also make your ice cubes out of ORS so as it melts in your drink you maintain the correct osmolarity. I don't worry about that and it works just fine. Heck, you can even make ORS ice pops.....which I've done......but they don't have much taste. Refreshing though.
Hope this helps!