Hi... I'm Marsha, and I've had my ileostomy for over 55 years..(didn't have a "loop" but dr. retained the rectal stump...in case of a possible reversal in the future. no second stoma...just drainage through the rectum) 4 years later, at 19 I opted to have the rectal stump removed because it never healed - from Ulcerative colitis) So my ileostomy became "permanent". Never had much of a problem throughout the years.... output varied, from somewhat liquid, to somewhat "firm, depending on what I ate, and hydration.. And I was able to eat just about everything, with the exception of some raw veggies (celery, carrots, cabbage). That changed over the years, and high fiber foods started to become more difficult to digest. It was about three years ago, that I began having ongoing issues with profuse "runs" and a change of color....from clear yellow, to various shades of green. I've been hospitalized several times for dehydration, and the stool sample was tested each time for infection... Came back negative.. Finally went back to my "gastro" dr.. and he diagnosed "it" immediately.. (?) The "runs" is a form of IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), but because I don't have a large intestine, I don't produce some needed enzymes to fully digest some foods.. He suggested the "F.O.D.M.A.P." diet (each letter of the name stands for an element) look it up.. He said that because of the missing digestive enzymes....the body collects water....emits lots of gas, and then spews the "watery waste" out through the stoma.. It seems without the (those are the basic symptoms of anyone with IBS) It seems that the target foods are those high in artificial sugars....and others....like lemon, lime, garlic, onion, tomatoes, many vegetables....soft cheeses.... It's really mind-boggling, and somewhat depressing. But I did the reading and the research.... It's trial and error... and just because you can eat something one time, doesn't mean you can always eat it. So I have my basic food list, protein, bread, carbs, and each day I ' "try" or add a test item... sometimes, it's spaghetti sauce, or ice cream... I can cook with onion garlic, but can't "eat the actual item. But sometimes I do.....with no reaction, and other times... the output becomes liquid...and a lovely shade of green.. sometimes it lasts a few hours, and other times a few days... I was also told that the color (and smell) could be "bile", since food is just running through the body. If you're not getting the runs.....that's a good thing. Dehydration is more dangerous than "the color" of the output.. But for all the ostomates out there..... this is the most up-to-date info and diagnosis I've gotten after quite a few years of symptoms.. I hope it answers some of your questions... Best of luck, Marsha