Handling Embarrassing Noises in Public Spaces

Apr 04, 2010 5:08 pm
Hi, I expect everyone on here has had the embarrassment of noises at the wrong times! how does one deal with it though?! I say 'shut up Henry' when I'm at home, or 'Henry's voicing his opinion yet again!', but at work I can't cope with it, I don't eat all day until tea time in a vain attempt to lose weight, and to stop Henry being active, but occasionally he makes rude noises. I work in a very rough high school where anything unusual gets noticed and commented on very quickly.... 'Miss just farted' etc! (though I got out of it nicely one day saying 'can you smell anything?' the answer was 'no', to which I said 'well then you misheard!'... there was a science class of year 11's I had not long after I went back after my bowel op, I went back to work a week after getting out of hospital as I couldn't cope with the depression that had seeped in, I clearly wasn't ready, couldn't walk properly and my output was very frequent, green and watery, plus the inevitable gas... and it was so loud that everyone heard it, and found it hilarious... one of those time when you wish the floor would open up! So, my question is how do you cope with it in public? x
Apr 04, 2010 5:37 pm
You don't. You're not there to correct the manners of others. Notice them and move on. (I'm borrowing this a lot form Miss Manners who has helped me deal with all sorts of stuff.) The thing will make noise. Mine chooses to do it at the opera when it sings along. You have to develop a thick skin, an ability to ignore it completely, or a very quick sense of humour. But never, never, never, worry about others. They will be what they will be—kind, rude, laughing, etc. Often it more reflects their difficulty dealing with the 'problem' than yours.

Good luck, and smile on.

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Past Member
Apr 04, 2010 6:12 pm
Rhian I think you are making a mistake not to eat. I find if I dont eat regularly I make noises.At home I dont care but at work I do, and I agree with you that it is embarrising. I have weetabix or cerial for breakfast and then an hour or two later a banana or a couple of plain biscuits. I soon feel empty and if my stomach rumbles I eat something quick.Dont have a chocolate bar as that causes wind for me anyway.At lunch I normally have sandwiches, wholemeal bread with a side salad and maybe another banana mid afternoon. Sometimes i have a little sandwich between meals. I just dont let my system get empty. Try it and good luck. If I attend a meeting and its quiet gettting tense makes it worse. I often take my jacket with  me and put it on my lap close to my stoma  to muffle any noises, and I try to sit at the end of the row with no-one on my left. kids can be cruel, its easier dealing with adults. My workmates know about my stoma anyway. Hope you get more replies and see how other people cope.
Apr 04, 2010 8:12 pm
thanks Poppy red, unfortunately I can't eat fibrey things so banana and cereal are out and most salad stuff/veg/fruit, plus i'm lactose intolerant, bit of a bummer ('scuse the pun!) I used to eat rice cakes, as they're not filling, but they get boring, but I'll try taking something to eat in in the summer term, and see if I'm less noisy! I do have anorexic tendencies so that's a life long battle for me too, crackerbread with something light would maybe work, thanks for your imput though x
Apr 05, 2010 1:36 pm

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We all have them,  if mine is too loud I tell whoever is around that I cannot control the sound and why I have had a good response from everyone, but a trick I use is when it starts place your hand over your stoma, it muffles the noise.  Right after I had my surgery I was in a meeting and I swear it groanned for  a full minute felt like ten and man was it loud everyone laughed so much and looked at me, I was so embarrased, but life goes on and we deal with it.  It helps me to know that I am not alone that are others who understand fully what it is like!  I thank God for that, Good luck hopefully your students will learn some understanding - someone who is a little different is still the same!


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 05, 2010 2:04 pm

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It took me a while to find anykiind of help with the noises--not always will work but try an over the counter product GasX and always keep something in your tummy, even a cracker will do.  You'll get the hang of it.  I take a GasX pill before I go to work in the monring and another at noon with meal and all this lasts until I get home.  Good luck.
Taylor player
Apr 05, 2010 2:53 pm
Hey, you have a issue we all deal with. When you get noises just expain you have a ostomy and can't control what comes out. Most folks are understanding. If there not, stand next to  those people as much as possible. If you drink soda pop or even water do it slowly. You can also put a pad the girls use while nursing for their bra's. It act's as a muffler or just cover it with your hand when you feel something moving. Some times we have to put up with things in life but we're still alive, so live. Don't worry about what others think. It only bring more trouble.
Apr 07, 2010 10:52 pm
The worst thing to do is not to eat!! Not just for the nutritional losses but that means that the only thing your body has in it is air. So thats all that will come out! I find that I make alot of noise after I go without food for a bit and then eat, but I think the best way to deal with that is to try different foods and see how you react(gas or not) to each. Then when you know that your going to be in a quite place for an extended amount of time try to eat little meals throughout the day with plenty of h20. The water helps reduce the amount of noise if you were to pass air. Also try to remember to take an anti gas pill before you go out or just try to get into the routine of taking it everyday. So thats 1. Never go on an empty stomach

                                               2. Eat small meals throughout the day with plenty of h20                              3. Take anti gas pills                                                                                                Good Luck
Past Member
Apr 13, 2010 10:31 pm

This is what I do when my stoma makes noise: I put my hand on my stomach and say "excuse me, I must be hungry"! It works every time. If you never had a stoma, you would just think it's someone's stomach making hunger sounds. Yes, you and I know better, but most people don't

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Oct 17, 2022 1:53 pm
Reply to eddie

Yes, I too find it hard with the loud noises mine makes, especially straight after eating. I find wearing a top or jacket with pockets helps, and I cover mine with my hand as I can (most of the time) feel the gas building up. If I'm sitting at dinner with friends, I like to have background music or go somewhere a little noisy and place a jacket over my lap. Oh, the joys!