I Am Here

Jan 13, 2019 10:29 am

I read about a beautiful 18 year old yound lady, named katie.  In 2014 she shot herelf in the face, she admits it wasn't her intentions. It was a moments decsion, needless to say a

bad one that cost half her face." She lived," the doctors told her parents she would always live in a skilled facility. Why? Based on science she would never be able to do anything 

for herself. The doctors talked to katie about a face transplant. For katie this was a big decision, in order for this to happen someone would have to die.  Well the door opened in 2017 

a pretty young lady by the name of andrea died from an overdose. The decision was made in 2017. Katie had the transplant.  She wasn't the old katie but she was alive and her

scars were outwardly visable.  The bottom line was katie wanted to live in spite of....

  Chrissy was a gorgeous 16 year old honor student. She was in the car with a bunch of friends, who robbed a country store. Chrissy was waiting in the car, she had no idea what took

place. Later at her boyfriends house one of the guys was playing with the rifle, he accidently shot chrissy in the face. That accident caused chrissy to lose her eyes and nose.  Chrissy

refused to feel sorry for herself, she continued getting A.s and graduated. While attending the blind institute she met her husband. A decade later a few facial surgeons through science

and art. made her a mask. The mask consisted of eyes and a nose, that could be taken on and off. Chrissy had a face, she no longer had to wear the mask that covered her face. Blindness

nor scars hendered her from living.....

 Last year my Surgeon and GI doctor starting discussing a reversal of my colostomy. The surgeon was sure that the surgery would be a success. The GI doctor said before he signed off

on this, if for some reason it didnt work I would have to have a ileostomy. By my frame being small there wouldn't be enough room for another colostomy.

To be totally honest , I had been waiting to hear this since 2015.  I'm not willing to endure such a surgery to turn back. I stand in my own skin, it took time to accept me .

The two stories above picked my spirits up on 9 January 2019. You see my scars are unseen and theirs are visable to the world.  No self pity for me, If it never happens -I AM HERE....




















Past Member
Jan 13, 2019 3:14 pm

Hearing about what other people have gone through sure helps put one's own problems into perspective, doesn't it?  It make me realize how lucky I am.

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Jan 13, 2019 7:01 pm

It is amazing what people can overcome! Scars

inward or outward, we are strong and deal with life as handed to us! 

Nice reminder Angel! 


Jan 14, 2019 6:42 am

Thanks Angelica for another poignant post. 

It does often help to hear about other people's struggles and their stories of overcoming adversity.  Coming to terms with yourself both inside and out is a key to contentment. However, I do like some of the more motivating cliches and quotations which point the way to a potentially brighter future. So, I leave you with "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives".

Best wishes for all your tomorrows.


Jan 14, 2019 10:10 am

Bill.. thanks !


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 18, 2019 12:16 pm

Some people battle adversity with great courage. I was inspired by a lion cub! It was stomped on by a buffalo in one of the frequent confrontations that lions and buffalo have and lost the use of his rear legs. However, he kept up with the pride on their forays dragging his legs behind him. He was rescued and his injuries treated.Some struggles aganst adversity are long but mostly end in success. Your operation, too, will be successful. Wishing you the best of luck.

Jan 18, 2019 9:30 pm

bowsprit. Thank you for your kinds words and encouragement.



Jan 20, 2019 11:41 am

bowsprit..I want to thank you for sharing the story of the lion cub. He showed great courage... ty

Jan 23, 2019 10:23 pm

Hi, I have made it a practice to never look in the rear view mirror of my life I cannot rewrite history I feel blessed to have Rosie because of her and an amazing surgeon and oncologist and the support of my fabulous husband and family I AM HERE. As my Mother God rest her soul always said " There is always some poor bugger worst of than you" words to live by. God bless. 

Sincerely xRosiesmom aka Gail

Jan 24, 2019 2:59 am

Rosiesmom..How true!