Since my Jan 3 surgery resulting in a colostomy, I and my stoma nurses are on a constant search for the right gear for me. My stoma, right from day one, has been lousy. It has a large overhang of thick flesh (like a canopy) and when I sit down, it retracts.
Started out with Hollister two-piece convex with a ring but had leaks. Also tried Hollister two-piece with the smaller base plate and ring opening on the pouch. That was better, as the smaller wafer didn't have to conform to as many contours.
Recently tried samples of Coloplast one-piece drainable. It's comfortable. There is some stool leakage onto the convex part but never further. Love the "exit ramp," so much easier to use than the Hollister when emptying. With the Hollister appliance, I found it impossible to prevent stool from getting on my hands and toilet no matter what I did.
BUT the Coloplast pouch is too small! The top one inch is taken up by the useless filter and although it may measure the same as the Hollister pouch, it does not have the same capacity, perhaps due to its layers of plastic and that it's very flat. I have to empty it 4-5 times a day, 1/3 full has it approaching my stoma. The bag doesn't expand with its load, it just stays flat and piles up that way. Hard to explain. The Hollister I can empty just twice a day. It does expand as it fills. I am not a very big eater. Low output.
I think I'll end up with the Hollister two-piece with closed pouches, no filter, and count on very occasional leaks.
Have others found the Coloplast capacity to be too small?