
Jan 08, 2013 7:06 pm
Dear anyone,

My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer about two years ago. He did the BCG treatments which didn't work and this past Sept. had to have his bladder removed. The stoma healed up fine and he is trying to adjust to life with a pouch. But one thing that has been an issue since the surgery has been his inability to have a normal bowel movement. We have tried, prune juice, aloe vera juice, stool softeners, Miralax, and nothing worked. I was having to give him an enema about once a week. About two weeks ago he was doubled over in pain and I had to rush him to the ER. The xray showed that his colon was completely packed with stool. He was given Lactulose to use for 2 days then Amitiza to take after that. But even those did not work. So a few days ago he had to take the stuff for colonoscopy prep. Finally that gave him some relief. That was just a few days ago. He is beginning to have stomach cramps again and we are not sure if he is getting stopped up again or what. Have any of you had difficulties with ongoing constipation? Have you found something that works for you? Thanks for any help you can give us.

Jan 09, 2013 1:51 am
Your husband might try Colace, also known as docusate. I think this over the counter drug should be used regularly, not just when problems occur. On another note, if his doctor isn't prescribing effective medications, perhaps he isn't seeing the right doctor. Good luck! PB
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Jan 09, 2013 5:12 am
I agree with Primeboy. Colace works wonders and should help your hubby out. Has he ever had issues like that before surgery? Praying things work out for him!
Past Member
Jan 10, 2013 10:54 pm
I had the same problem months ago and then I started taking daily water enemas, with my urologist's approval. Since then I have had no problems.