Advice on how to tell grandchildren

May 30, 2011 4:40 pm
Is there any way to tell small grandchildren (6,9,12) that grandma has a colostomy?  Have had this since 2003....Would not want them to feel grossed out.....

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May 30, 2011 6:16 pm
My grandchildren are a bit younger and I've only had it for 2 years but they asked questions when it blew up and were very accepting of straight forward answers, they call it nana's special bag. Just be as honest as you can x
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May 30, 2011 8:34 pm
Im an uncle to 4 beautiful girls, 3 up to 11, we were very honest with them from the minute i had the operation, i even took time out to show them the bags, explaing how i change them, what happened to me, how the whole stoma thing works. To be honest i think its the only way to go, there a lot more smater than we think
May 30, 2011 9:12 pm
This is a great awsome queation thanks! I started thinking back when I was young and my grandmother had an ostomy! I dont remember ever being told that she had one! I didnt learn untill it was time for my own ostomy! Then I started thinking.....I have never had a conversation with my own daughter about my ostomy!I know she knows about what an ostomy is but i'm not the one that she talked to about it! Acually that makes me sad that I never talk to her myself! I have ordered this doll on line to help me teach my niece and nephew aswell as going into schools to teach children!

You can find the link on this page
May 30, 2011 9:21 pm This video is my aprons by joy! She teaches on her apron!

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
May 31, 2011 2:19 am
I had surgery when my grandkids were small, I just called it my "Granny Diaper". Now they're 7, 12, and 14 and I don't think they even remember I have one......We never discuss it nor do they see me as any different than any other granny. They just love me.

Past Member
May 31, 2011 8:07 am
after my op I was in the hospital for a long time then in rehab learning to walk and move again. All my granchildren visited me there so I did not have to tell them. My grankids rang in ages from 16 to 2. and none of them have asked about my bag except to comment on nosey gas ( the oldest). I think children except things a lot better then adults

May 31, 2011 9:36 am
My daughter was 10 when i had my stoma formed, I explained my belly had got poorly and i could not poo out of my bottom anymore so they had to fix it. I explained it's all a bit funny because i poo out of my belly now (we laughed together about this!!!!). I showed her my bag and explained how it worked. I didn't show her the stoma just explained what it looked like. We also gave him the Dennis (because he is a menice!!!!) this helped to keep it bit light hearted, now she tells Dennis off when he trumps louldy and we laugh about it. We see Dennis now as our normal part of our lifes. As time went by she has asked me if she could see Dennis, and she was fine with it. We love Dennis because he saved my life. Children really are very accepting. Good Luck xx
May 31, 2011 3:07 pm

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my niece isnt my granchild but she has been through this crazy stuff she has touched my stoma i said toucj your tongue now the stoma she thought it was weird but wonderful she was 6 when i had my first one ..she is now nearly 21 years old kids are much cooler than u mite think    mine is called (cherry) she evan wore my pouch lololol   dont worry u be fine x mooza

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Jun 06, 2011 12:11 am
Another ostomate I know told his grandkids that he had a "portable toilet" and they wanted to bring all the neighbor kids to show them, too...they all thought that was really cool!  Kids are more accepting than adults!
Past Member
Jun 06, 2011 5:09 am
We have 5 grandaughters from 15-8 yo.  I have had my colostomy for 5.5 years.  They have not seen my stoma, but have seen all of my supplies and were with me with their Mom's came to take of of us after my recovery from this operation.  We all are aware when I pass my bubbles, but so what??  At least, mine don't whenever there is a smell they are sure it isn't me......They are beautiful children.

Take what you want and leave the rest.......and just take care of you!!
Jun 06, 2011 6:15 am
You just need to be honest with yourself and treat your grandkids with the love from your heart. They will understand and love you unconditionally.

I adore my two grandsons.
Jun 06, 2011 11:15 pm
my 6 yr. ol granddaughter named my stoma "Ferb" (as in Phinnias and Ferb).  She wanted to know all about "him".  Most of all she wanted to make sure he didn't have any pain.  When Ferb lets loose, she always says....Oh Ferb, that was so gross!  Now, when she lets loose, I say....Oh Fiona, that was so gross.  She says she was only talking with Ferb.  She has seen Ferb with and without the wafer and pouch.  She said she needed to know everything about it because if she and I were together some where and something happened to me and she needed to call 911, she also needed to be able to tell them that I have a "Ferb" and to make sure she could take care of it until help came.  She is 6 going on 30.

Gogo (to her)