Struggling with Recovery After Multiple Surgeries

Mabsie Moll
Aug 19, 2022 3:41 pm

Hi there, apologies if this topic already exists. I did search for hemicolectomy in the search bar but no results came up.

I'm a little down because I was wondering why my recovery is taking so long! I had three major surgeries over a 3-week period from mid-May to the beginning of June. The first was an oophorectomy, which went well, but I was hospitalized a few days after discharge because I couldn't eat, nor keep anything I did eat, down. It is a different op to the next two and different surgeons. Anyway, long story short, after a few CT scans and x-rays, I had surgery on my ileum. All went well for a few days but further CT scans and x-rays revealed more problems and despite putting a drain in under local anesthesia, my surgeon brought me in for the 2nd gastro op after I got a severe pain on my right-hand side. I woke up this last time with an ileostomy and another stoma they called a fistula. Only mucus comes out of that stoma sometimes. I only realized last night that I had a right hemicolectomy as well. Don't ask me how I missed that, I put it down to being so groggy after anesthesia, but after the 3 surgeries I thought I'd be stronger now. I live in Ireland. I had gained weight from - (I'm normally 8st/ 104lb/ 50kg.) - 6st 4lb/88lb/ 40kg approx to 6st 12lb/96lb/43kg. But because we had a mini heatwave I lost weight and I'm down to 6st 5lb/89lb/44kg. I couldn't eat as much in the heat but, what I ate would put weight on one ordinarily. Finally, my questions, 1. Has anyone here had a similar experience? 2. How long before you felt like yourself fully again? 3. How long before you were able to go about a reasonable daily life, for example, take a small walk alone, go out for lunch regularly, go to the supermarket, etc. without feeling weak? 3. Did/do you often drop weight inexplicably?

Thank you in advance. I have learned so much from reading your questions and experiences here and you seem to be outstandingly strong and getting on with your lives. Presently I'm in bed because I don't have the energy to sit upright or on the couch. 🤦🏼‍♀️🙆🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Excuse typos, please. 🙏 Caroline

Past Member
Aug 19, 2022 7:17 pm


You've been through so much. I think recovery time depends a lot on age and your health pre op. I'm 37 and 2 weeks post op and wake up feeling like I ran a marathon each night. Im ok with short trips but I have a lot of help from family. I think the small intestine takes a few weeks to months to adjust and will eventually get better at absorption so maybe it will just take a bit more time for you to start gaining weight. I think be patient but keep trying to do more. Are you Irish? I have a lot of relatives there. It's a lovely country.

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Aug 19, 2022 9:14 pm

Hi Mabsie,  First of all, you have really been through the ringer!  What a lot to endure over a very short period of time!  I don't think it's odd at all that your are still feeling weak or tired.  Everyone bounces back at their own pace, but don't expect too much of yourself.  On the topic of weight loss, I'm glad you asked about this because it's something I've not seen mentioned here before and that is that when you lose your colon, you are going to lose weight!  You say you have an ileostomy, so assuming it's permanent, this would normally mean that they removed all of your colon.  I went from having a colostomy to an ileostomy.  When I still had my colon, my normal weight was around 98-100 lbs.  Now with an ileostomy (colon removed) by normal weight is around 91-92 lbs.  It's quite a difference.  The organ weighs quite a bit.  Your weight loss sounds pretty understandable if you were having trouble eating and keeping things down.  Hang in there girl, things will get better!


Aug 19, 2022 9:28 pm

Hi Mabsie, Me again.  I just read your bio and it says your ileo is just temporary, sorry, should have done that before.  I guess your weight loss can't be explained by the loss of your colon, still, what you have been through with the surgeries, not being able to keep food down, the heat, etc, could still explain it pretty easily I would think.
