Stomach Ache, Nausea, and Rectal Discharge - Seeking Advice

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Nov 22, 2022 1:30 am

I posted last week about my stoma nurse believing I've had a stoma blockage last week. That cleared absolutely fine. But since then on and off I've had stomach ache and nausea.
I've had bleeding from my stoma on 2 occasions in this time, very small amount. Stoma nurse is not concerned.
No more blood. But every time I eat for the last few days I'm getting stomach ache and nausea. Does this sound like a stomach bug?
I've got some watery output this evening but nothing too concerning.
I don't want to contact my stoma nurse if it's just a bug I have.

Also I've been passing rectal discharge (I have a stump only) since a few months after surgery. It hadn't been very often but it has increased lately. However for the last 3 weeks I haven't passed anything and had been feeling full up so used a glycerin suppository this evening. Within 10 minutes I passed a lot of solid white stuff with a red tinge and felt like it cleared however I passed more after another hour and I still feel like I'm going to go again. Is this normal? This is the first time I've used a suppository.
Thank you!

Nov 22, 2022 7:15 am

I think it is fairly normal to pass some mucus if the rectum, or part of it, has been left in place. I have a J-pouch and a loop ileostomy. I often pass various amounts of mucus, which can vary from very watery to putty-like. Occasionally it can have a pink tinge to it.

However, if you are concerned, speak to your SCN. That is what they are there for, and if nothing else, they should be able to give you some peace of mind.

Best wishes, Nigel.

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Nov 22, 2022 3:53 pm

My digestive system is currently pretty upset. They had to give me heavy-duty antibiotics when I was in the hospital last week. Because my gallbladder needs to be removed, it causes pain right now.

I started taking a probiotic to build up some good bacteria in my gut. Maybe that can help ease your tummy over time. I do think you should let your doctor know.

Nov 22, 2022 6:21 pm

Is the bleeding coming from around your stoma or out of your stoma with your output?

Nov 22, 2022 8:53 pm

Mucus discharge is normal and can really vary in consistency and frequency. Sometimes I will go for several days without any, and sometimes I get some a lot more often. The nausea and upset stomach could very well be a stomach bug. There are sure lots going around here.



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Nov 24, 2022 4:11 pm

Some rectal drainage is normal. It can be excessive and/or rather bloody if you still have a rectum with inflammatory bowel disease. Disuse proctitis will occur after a while. Inflammatory bowel disease can be managed by suppositories and disuse can be managed by short chain fatty acids. Talk to your GI doctor.

Nov 25, 2022 11:08 pm

Thank you, everyone! You've really helped.