Struggling with Parastomal Hernia and Frequent Blockages

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Feb 12, 2023 6:34 pm

Hiya all.

So I'm really struggling with my parastomal hernia.

I have had two surgeries because of it, and every year I have had a major blockage that was cleared by gastrogafin.

Firstly, are there many of you that really struggle with blockages regularly?

Also, I think I'm getting really bad anxiety with it and worry that I may block again anytime and end up really sick in the hospital.

I am a big girl, but because of the hernia, I struggle to lose weight. I really don't know what to do. I'm scared and just want to make changes but struggle.

With it, I have bad arthritis that is flaring, making things fun, and my fatigue is really bad.

Any help would really help.

Thanks in advance.

Feb 12, 2023 8:33 pm


So sorry you are getting so many blockages. I too have had a few and they are not fun! I know my blockages were because of something I ate (mushrooms and too many peanuts). I avoid both of those and haven't had a blockage in a while (knock on wood!).
Could you narrow down the reason you are having blockages? Is there certain food that is causing them? Are you drinking enough? Are you not chewing your food enough? Just some things to think over.
Please let us know how you are doing. Good luck and God bless.

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Feb 13, 2023 6:28 am

I could write a book on parastomal hernias. I understand where you are coming from. I currently have a huge parastomal hernia to the left of my colostomy and several hernias inside. My main surgeon said he would not operate again. I've been in pain since back in September 2022. I have seen 3 different surgeons. No one will touch me because I've had so many abdominal surgeries. The last one said before they would do the surgery I had to lose 33 pounds. I went back to my original surgeon and asked if I lost the weight if he would do the surgery. He said if I lost 50 pounds. As I sit here and type this, knowing everything I'm going through other than this, it truly seems impossible. How they expect so much when I am already weighed down by the pressure on the left side. Plus, I have back issues, bladder issues, and two partial knee replacements. But surgeons don't care. It's get the weight off or suffer in pain. So if you need to vent, please, I am right here. I am not 100 percent sure how this site works. I know I about cried when I saw the price of a premium membership. I can't afford anything right now. And I really need support. We all need support; none of this is a walk in the park.