I am now back home in IOWA

Aug 27, 2010 4:56 pm
Hi to all the ostomates out there,

Its been a long Trip, Left month ago for Ft. Polk LA., with a stop in AK. to see an old friend. Saw a wonderful sun raise as I left AR on highway 71 down to LA. Visited with grandbabies for the day. Then headed off to TX.  Was in killeen Tx for a good 2 weeks or so, Visted with some more grandbabies, Spent 5 days in San Antonio finishing permanent cosmetic school, then back to Ft. Hood..... Lots of sight seeing, great vacation... Was lucky this trip, Herman ( ostomy ) had no problems, even in the heat everything stayed on (105 to 113 every day), even went swimming with the grandkids..... Only thing I could of wished for was maybe a companion to make it all complete, But maybe some day, some where... there will be someone who can understand it all, and  accepting of who I am for me.... NOT of hERMAN!
Aug 28, 2010 11:34 pm

Welcome back to the GREAT state of IOWA!  

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  Sounds like you had a great trip!  I can tell you enjoyed the grand kids!  Aren't they fun.

The temp was definitely TX style!

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I had a working trip once in 107 degrees and it was difficult keeping wafers to stick.  Guess I should just decide not to work over 95 degrees.  When I go on working trips I always take the recommended 2-3 times the supplies cause they don't last near as long

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From Iowa
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