Post Colostomy Reversal: Day 3 Update and Experiences

Mar 15, 2024 2:39 am

So here I am, day 3 since my colostomy was reversed. Today I still have no appetite but am drinking fluids and have had terrible gas pain all day. I refuse to use the oxy the doc prescribed, so I'm on 500 mg of Extra Strength Tylenol every 6 hours. The doc said I would have diarrhea, and I imagined it would be like when you have a stomach bug and need to go every few minutes, but it's not like that. I do have diarrhea, but I also have control, and I still have not had an accident, thank goodness! My stomach is still making all those awful noises, and I can still feel the air moving through my abdomen. Hopefully, it goes away soon. I called the doc today because it's kind of scary, but all is normal, and she gave the okay for me to use a heating pad. I'm sure that will help with the gas. My whole torso hurts and feels like I did a ton of crunches, and I can't walk standing straight up yet because of the stitches, but a little hunched over. Since I'm not taking all the pain meds the hospital was giving me, I'm feeling more of the pain, but it's not excruciating, more like soreness. Um, I think that's it, not much else going on here. LOL. I hope that my posts will eventually help others down the line. I had so many questions about reversal, and some of the stories I read scared me, so I hope that since my reconnection was successful (thanks be to God), this will help someone else. In the meantime, I'm still praying recovery will be just as successful for me too. So far, so good 😊 Good night, friends!!
Edit: I had so much gas that I put on an adult diaper so that I could pass gas as I felt it coming instead of rushing to the restroom to avoid an “accident.” I never had an accident; it was all just air. Also, I drank several cups of hot peppermint tea, which, for me, has always helped with stomach issues.

Mar 15, 2024 2:59 am

Thanks for taking the time to detail your experience in hopes it can help others have an idea of what to expect post colostomy reversal despite being in pain just having had surgery yourself a few days ago ;)

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Mar 15, 2024 4:10 am

Congrats on your reversal, MoeMoe. Hopefully, each day feels better for you. I think I only took 3 of the pain meds that were prescribed to me after I left the hospital. My pain wasn't terrible (they didn't cut me back open this time), and plus, I was worried about constipation with pain meds. I'm happy it sounds like you're doing well all in all! Speedy and healthy recovery wishes to you! ☺️ Get plenty of rest. Hugs.

Mar 15, 2024 7:47 am

Hello MoeMoe.
I'd like to echo Crappy Colon's reply.
Although I am never likely to have a reversal, it is good to read about people's experiences in this regard.
Please continue to keep us updated.
Best wishes


Mar 15, 2024 8:40 am

MoeMoe, sounds like you are doing well after your reversal. Wishing you all the best. Take care.

How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Mar 15, 2024 9:12 am

You're on the rocky road to recovery. Glad to hear you have "control" and don't need the Oxy. Be careful you don't fall. Every day you'll get stronger.

Morning glory
Mar 15, 2024 1:19 pm

Thanks for sharing your recovery days. Prayers for continued success. Hopefully today you will get rid of all that painful gas.

Mar 15, 2024 1:28 pm

It can only get better from here, thinking of you and looking forward to your next entry. Regards, Iggie

Mar 15, 2024 2:53 pm

Hey there. Day 3 was worse for me than the first two because the pain block they had administered to my abdomen during surgery wore off by day 3. Hang in there! It gets better ❤️‍🩹

Mar 16, 2024 12:15 pm

Thanks everyone! I am so grateful for this site and to have connected with such a caring community! I hope everyone has a super fantastic and blessed weekend!