Surgery Number 2!

Dec 22, 2010 3:50 am
Well i am now 2 weeks post op from my 2nd surgery to create a Permanent Iliestomy, as for how i am going i feel that i am GREAT was only in hospital for 5 days, but after being discharged things started happening too me like my entire body swelling to 2 sizes bigger than what i really am, and my feet ankles and legs where like water melons, at one stage i couldnt feel my feet they hurt that much and i also had a constant tingle feeling in them:( i went to the local ED department and they didnt think it was urgent so i went home, within a few days it went down, as for my body its slowly getting back to its normal size. (Thanks God) =) as for the rest of my health i had the staples removed all 32 of them on monday and it didnt hurt as much as i was expecting unlike it did last time. Pain wise i dont have alot in the stomach unless ive over done myself ot try to bend down, as for pain in the Butt oh yeah it hurts i have my trusty pillow to sit on so that comes everywhere with me. so all in all i think i am going fine, i have registered myself with temp work again so right now i am sitting at work, doing reception fill in for 5 hrs while the company enjoy there Christmas lunch, lets see how many come back drunk! =)

Well if i dont post before i hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A WONDERFUL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Wookie. xxxxxxx
Dec 22, 2010 10:12 am
Hi Wookie - lovely to hear that you are now doing well and feel able to do a bit of work! Take care though, you are only 2 weeks post op and your body will take some time to get over the surgery - please watch with the bending and lifting things - don't want to be getting yourself a hernia!

Great news though! Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New year ....

Rach xxxxx
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Dec 22, 2010 4:51 pm

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Good on ya wookie hope i

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emailed you properly lol ..Well i have been in the same boat did they sew the bottom up like me or not ?? Your working! FANTASTIC if i was working there yep i wouldnt come back to work drunk 'cause i would still be out for drinks " hahahahah 5 days is good some of my surgerys i went home 6 days after ..Butt this one the whole colon i ended up with probs on the 3rd day they were goin to send me home but i ended up with an infection and i swelled up but i know thats from the saline drip hate those things then i  thought i was havin a stroke my left arm got soo heavy and i couldnt even pic up my mobile fone it was on my belly from another call ..So they said fever all that shite and gave me a blood transfusion that was scary even my blood type made me sick which i told the nurse she said will be fine ..the next day they said i had allergic reaction to the blood ..Anyway back to you lololol we have to chat wookie i can be your big sis hahah but i will have too drop my age hahahah cheers and good luck buddy mare..xx

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Dec 22, 2010 4:57 pm
Hi dear Wookie - little miss inspiration!

Rach is right. Take it easy and watch the bending/lifting -- you don't want a hernia. I thought I was being very careful and I've got a little one developing.

Did they remove your rectum as well ... so that you have a Barbie Butt

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Merry Christmas!
Dec 22, 2010 9:32 pm
Cheers Wookie!!!

It sounds like your body has been through quite a bit of stress in the last little while!

I'm sure I don't need to tell you to take it easy at all times! Give your body time to rest and readjust itself to the changes that have taken place recently. Even if you feel mentally energized and healthy, your body might beg to differ, so give it the consideration it deserves.

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Happy holidays!


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