Help needed for leaking filters

Jan 15, 2011 8:35 pm
i would appreciate any help or advice on a leaking filter please.

i use convatec natura pouches with filters . i want to carry on using the pouches as they are excellant apart from when the filter leaks.this usually only happens at night time when asleep

i know that i could put on the small stick ons that cover the filter but this does not really do much good

i cannot change to a differant pouch as these are the only ones available with a mouldable flange which is the only flange that works for me ...

i believe that the siting of the filter is part of the trouble and af course when it gets damp from the inside of the bag

i have read all the comments posted about this problem over the last couple of years but have not seen anything that would work properly

i think that a design that put a plastic cover on a hinge that you could open and close at will over the filter would be perfect and prevent the problem but that is only my opinion

any help or advice would be very welcome especially from those that already have had this problem with convetec pouch filters

i really dont want to have to resort to using pouches without a filter and so i hope there is a good workable answer out there

thank you very much for taking the time to read and hopefully there is a answer
Jan 15, 2011 9:39 pm

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hey chess if iu have an ileo try some gell sachets  or ring covatec get free samples they are always great to talk too cheers mare    mooza
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Jan 16, 2011 12:55 am
Chess124...I have no idea if they have the same filter system as the Hollester two piece, but I sometimes put a piece of scotch tape over my filter.  Good luck and let us know if you find a solution.  Becky
Jan 16, 2011 1:03 pm
hi mooza.thanks for the input.. i already use sachets to thicken the output but the problem is that these only work once the waste has entered the pouch.the filter is situated right next to the stoma so liquid output can come into contact with filter straight away.this is where the problem lies..i think that the filter is positioned in a very bad place and needs to be moved to the top left or right of pouch,well away from stomaA

if convatec could make a slight redesign then this would be great

i also had a idea of putting a plastic gap over the filter that would somehow clip on, maybe with a bit of absorbant material contain in the cap that you could open and close at will

i am going to put this idea to CONVATEC this week as i feel that it is a real issue..thanks again trying to help mooza and all the best to you..maybe someone else might have some other ideas or suggestions .

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Jan 16, 2011 9:04 pm
I used to use the Convatec two piece with filter.  Leaked all the time but usually at night and on my underwear and I hated it.  I called Convatec and the woman I spoke with was completely surprised by hearing this.  She asked if I would send a used bag so their engineers could study the problem.  I swapped 2 boxes of filtered bags for 2 of the same without filters and they sent me a special self addressed medical bio tech hazard box for the used bag.  I arranged to have it picked up at my door.  I didn't buy the surprise since I have read many posts here from lots of people who had the same leakage problem.  But, whatever, they got my used bag and maybe finer minds then mine are studying a leaky, used filtered bag.


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Jan 18, 2011 5:36 am
I read on UOAA site about cutting the end out of a colomajic liner thats had the pinhole vents popped in it. If you're using a drainable pouch. If using a closed end using a liner would prevent it. I just changed bags today and spaced it out. It's going to be my next test. I thought about gluing a plastic flap on the inside to try and keep it clean. I'm also tired of the spots.

Jan 18, 2011 12:27 pm
hi mike thanks for input

i have read about that as well but i think it is a american thing and not available in uk.could you please send a link to the information that you saw please

i went to the site but could not find the specific info you mentioned  cheers
Jan 18, 2011 3:36 pm
Hi - I was using a pouch with a filter and have since switched to one without a ilter and I really like it much better.  I never did understand why a filter anyway.  I do not think I will ever go back to a flter.  I do not worry about it getting wet when I take a shower anymore either.  The filter would let water in the bag and it would leak onto my shirts sometimes, and leave a stain.  Hope this helps, take care.
Jan 18, 2011 4:04 pm
Hi, Chess.  My little guy has a permanent colostomy.  We use a 2-piece filtered system (Convatec) with a easy-change adaptor on the wafer.  I posted a question regarding ballooning (and leaking filter) problem.  Here is the link to my question and the subsequent replies.  Good luck to you!  Seems we are in great company!

-Ryan's mom
Jan 18, 2011 9:54 pm
hiya  thanks very much for your comments

i read your thread a few days ago as i like to keep up with the topics and i have spoken to convatec about the problems with the filters

they where very helpful and we discussed some ideas which she said would be put to the board.i explained about the bad positioning of filter etc and gave a few of my own ideas that could improve it

anyway heres hoping

good luck with your own problem with you little one and i hope you get a answer

there seemed to be a lot of good advice in your threads

cheers for now and hope it gets resolved
Jan 19, 2011 7:18 pm
I use the same appliance as you. I find that the filter behaves until it gets wet (regardless of using those useless stickons they give you).

So after my first shower with a new pouch, I sometimes put a small piece of tape over the filter.

That said, sometimes the filter doesn't leak even after being wet. So most times I  don't worry about the small seep-thru I get through the hole onto my underwear.

Still using this system because it feels/fits so well (moldable).  Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is some carbon or something in that filter that helps with odor? Anyways, I experience no odor with my appliance - except at emptying.


p.s. Wow - the engineers are looking into this problem ... a solution is sure to be on the horizon ... let's not hold our breaths

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Jan 27, 2011 7:15 pm

I was reading your text about the filter.  I don't understand how your filter is anywhere near the stoma so that the 'poop' ... order ... or anything else.

My stoma...that's 'side pocket' on the right side of my naval.  When I put my bag on, my filter is at the top of the bag and is nowhere near my stoma so that I never have that problem.

I have no real suggestions for you unless you switch to a hollister product.
Past Member
Feb 01, 2011 4:48 pm
Hi chess,

Having read your message i did use morform sachets,Then found a better one to solidify contents.Its called ilio gel,and you can add 2 into each bag.Also i use stoma collar,this attaches to your base plate or one piece,how is works is there is a collar attached and helps to prevent a back flow,so contents dont go on your skin.salts make these.

I hope this is of some help to you.

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Feb 02, 2011 11:10 am
Sorry about taking so long to post this but I've been on days off and busy. Here is the link to that thread,.
Feb 02, 2011 2:28 pm
hi kelly girl

i use trio diamonds now to thicken output and find them to be the best..take a look at my other post concerning them.

i tried the salts collars a while ago but found they made things worse and i had a skin reaction to them but thanks anyway for suggestion.hope you are well  

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Feb 02, 2011 2:38 pm
thanks very much for the link..some interesting comments there

i think it would be far better though for convatec to redesign the filters

filters from coloplast and other companies work really well so this should not be a issue for them

i just cannot understand why they dont redesign as there are so many people complaining about them....oh well