About Me

Feb 15, 2010 5:33 pm

Hello, My name is Katrina and I have a illeostomy, the first one was in march 09 and the second was August 09, what we that would fix the problem kinda created more! Im on a TPN bag because I know can not eat and am not able to get nutrients or anything I need, so this is helping. They still have NO idea what's going on in my system. I've been to Mayo Clinic in Rochester,MN. twice and Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland OH. twice and still no progress. I have to tell myself everyday that it will get better. I know that there are many people out there who have it worse, but that doesn't mean that this doesn't just totally SUCK!!! I have 2 wonderful kids, boys 4 and 8. And a great hudband who tells me i'm beautiful no matter what, but when you have a stoma, or an object from the inside of your body hanging on the out and to deal with changing appliences and bags all the time it gets old quick. I would do anything to get ride of this thng for good, but the Doctors don't see that happening anytime soon. Sometimes we pay for no answers huh. But that's the down low on me, i would love to share experinces and make friends, to get through the good and bad!(That would be awesome) because no matter what family says they don't know what we're going threw because they aren't going threw it. I'll sign off for now and hope to hear from someone.

Feb 15, 2010 5:44 pm
It's true, unfortunately, that they don't get it. You are blessed to have a supportive family though. feel free to hang out and get to know us. take care!
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Feb 17, 2010 10:55 am
you can get alot out of the weight lifters drinks they have allot of vitamins and the chocolate tastes the best to me there are others but taste has to be good or i wont take it
Feb 24, 2010 5:08 pm
Hi Katrina, just read your blog and I have beeen on tpn many times.fortunatley i never came home with it. Chrons disease has taken its toll on my kidneys facing dialysis now. Trying to not be depressed and putting my trust in the good lord. I know exactly where you are coming from. Maybe we can help each other.