is there life after ilio

Mar 29, 2011 3:45 am
11:26pm here in jersey 3weeks after my far I freaked out about 20 er visit with a partial blockage..and now I am so sore and bleeding I can't stand it..To many leaks to count.tried several different products..still in a lot of pain..look like sh..feel like sh.. I only want to be with my dog..the doc is not much help and the nurse is ok but I do a better job then her..I don't want to dress..comb my hair..see anyone..feel very alone..I wonder if this is all worth I can eat but I suffer in a different do you all cope? I can't even find a support group in my area..even if I could I am afraid to go out the door..a shower is even a major project..I am far from a wimp as I have had many surgeries in the pas 30 yrs of my life including a double mastectomy but this really taks the cake..I wish we never had to eat again..can't sleep and in pain so I needed to vent..I am sure some or most of you can relate to this..I am glad I live alone as I am a widow of 13yrs..I don't think I could put someone else through this with me..I don't even have breasts..I feel so not human..thank god I am 63..maybe I won't live to long..enough with this suffering..I wan't to live at least somewhat normal..I hope with a little support I will make it

Mar 29, 2011 5:10 pm
Hi Bunkie. You came to the right place. You will meet many people who are going through (or have gone through) everything you describe. With time and a positive attitude you can manage or overcome everything thrown your way. There really is light at the end of the tunnel, just keep moving and you'll find it. A good first step is to get your appliance to work properly. Check out the download "Tips and Tricks from Ostomates". You may even find that the quality of your life will actually improve. Good luck!
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Past Member
Mar 30, 2011 12:31 am
I here you Bunkie and I feel your pain.Primeboy is always right that you can to the right place! You can spend hours on this sight reading information,anything you dont see write in the forum and ask queston!I have found by chatting with people all over the world we all had and have the same problems......Read the blogs....then write another one again about anything that I 'm feeling that day!Find out who your ostomy nurse is and arrange a meeting so she can give you her opinion. Healing takes a long time when your heart and your body is sick alow time!" Time heals all wombs!"while your waitting for your body to heal you can begin to heal the mind.
I found that I needed a good support system. Not just friends and family support. I need a good home doctor that managed me and my medcation. If anything changes I have my gastro two hour away ,but is avalable to me at anytime. Then a pain specialist because I will be on pain medication for the rest of my life!I have a therapist that I talk to regularly and have been on anti-depression medication for sometime now...... I dont have the problem of one doctor prescribing medication and another prescriping another!(Stacking medication)But the best medication I have taken in the last few months Is this web sight! I find out things on here faster than any doctor will be updated on my crohns desease! I have to be the one who educates myself on upcomming drugs treatments. Which alows me to ask the question to my fellow ostomates first hand to find out what the drug companys dont want to tell you! If you can not find a et nurse that can come to your place make an appointment to see her in her office. There she will have hundreds of samples that you can try. You can also talk to the place you get your ostomy supplies , they may have samples or they know where you can get them sent to you house! The companys are alway eager for you too try there new products!If one nurse or doctor isnt teaching you how to solve your own problems find another doctor or nurse that you can trust? another idea that might be right for you is ask your doctor to set you up with support meetings online or someone that has had an ostomy for years might be a better teacher for you!
Those feeling do get better but, I'm not going to lie its going to take alot of work to dig yourself out of your depression. I still stuggle with depression now for 25 yrs next year it only gets harder and harder to hold on tight to my mind!How do I cope I didnt for the longest time I masked my feeling with perscription didnt make the bad feeling of myself go away for very long.I'v delt with it in many ways ......but, all the ways I chose to cope were really hurting myself...self medicating...after a short stay at the hospital I was no longer addicted to demeralbut the underline problems still was there.I too can spend days in bed and spending time with my animals.Never eatting,drinking,bathing and seeing people outside the house.I get panic attact when I'm so miserable becase I m not home! Honestly my sickness gets the beter of me and I do the samethings you do!
Please start chatting on line at about 930 10oclock eastern time. We talk for ever and theres never a bad thought that is spoken to anyone! we lift eachother up when there down!
Hope is posible for everyone! You can meet friend on line and maybe you meet someone that will love you for you! How can anyone not love a person like you! E-mail me every day to tell me how you are feeling !I wont mind at all!!! Feel better and rest eazy your amoung friends! Welcome!