Death is part of life

Apr 07, 2011 12:48 am
Hello friends

I haven't been on in awhile life just got in the way .... we've had some hard times as of late. My Daughters best friend passed away 4 weeks ago of complications from Asma. She was only 20 years young.. And today our uncle passed away at the age of 91 ummmmm now this has defiantly put things into perspective for us... A young girl with her life just beginning and a man who has lived a full life... and myself somewhere in between. We have all had our share of circumstances some great and some not so good....I myself for those who are not familiar with me have had 4 surgeries which at one point they were not sure if I was going to make it... I remember sitting outside my window and watching other people laughing; walking and just enjoying themselves so unaware of what other people are going through.. at that point I had decided that I was so full of life and that no matter what God bestowed on me I was going to smile and take what he had in store for me and try as hard as it may at times remember what it was like not to participate in life as I knew it..

Well after having a colostomy than a j-;pouch than a complete take down I am as healthy as I can be and I live life not just have life.... not to say that at times I look down at my abdomen and see this bag (pouch) and sigh but think yes its not attractive but if I don't tell people they have no clue some people are so much worse.. I sit at every volleyball basketball soccer game that my son has and cheer like there is no tomorrow... I sit a while with my Daughter and laugh and act goofy ... for I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family... and I think how so very sad that my daughter has lost a close personal friend how grateful I am for all that I have... I tell my kids I love them every single day and say how very proud I am of all of there accomplishments whether great or small...


Past Member
Apr 08, 2011 6:33 am
I friends father died tonight in a trucking accident! May he rest in peace! Traci
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May 13, 2011 1:43 am
sorry it took so long to respond to your letter... I just wiped away a tear not of sadness but of joy. That is how I feel every time I return to this wonderful site. Thank you for the kind words and the BEAUTIFUL poem and yes I most defiantely am going to share it with my Daughter Thank you so much Traci xoxoxox back at you
May 13, 2011 1:43 am
I am so sorry to hear of your loss Traci, so sad you are in my Thoughts and Prayers...