Rush of love

Aug 10, 2011 9:31 am
after getting a little frustrated and bored being at home so much,i went on a little trip over the weekend and went and stayed with my parents in their lovely caravan. i was relaxing on the saturday and all of a sudden i felt the most amazing rush of love

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and overwhelming happiness towards me little friend. i have no idea what set if off, norcan i rememberwhat i was doing at the time. its seems that whilst i've obviously become attached to it (litterally!!!) i suddenly realised how amazing this little thing is.

isn't it greatwhat this little thing can do, and what a difference it can make!

it never fails to make its prescence known though and is happy to voice its opinion (bit like me). i went out for a short walk yesterday and stopped off to have a cuppa and a cake in a nearby bar and whilst sitting at the table it proceeded to gurgle away quite happily, a while ago i would have been embarrassedand felt awkward but yesterday i found myself sitting there trying desperately hard not to laugh!!

just thought it would be good to post something cheery. hope everyone is well.

mrs o xx

Past Member
Aug 10, 2011 11:13 am
Welcome to our reality, my friend....You've rejoined life as we know it and as the song says, I hope you'll dance. This is wondeful !!Continued good health and thanks for starting my day with a smile.....BEG
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Aug 10, 2011 1:31 pm
Mrs. O, I absolutely loved your story it is such a great acceptance of an inevitible thing we all had to succumb to!!! You have such a great outlook on life, I've named my stoma lovingly Gertie and when she is acting up and making noise my boyfriend and I just laugh and tell her to try and be quiet. CheersSantabelle
Past Member
Aug 10, 2011 6:53 pm
Great story hun, now you can really get on with your life. Im sure this will help other newbies to love there stoma' ambies...
Past Member
Aug 11, 2011 5:44 am
Is it not so interesting to see how each of us travels on a different but similar path? For me, I realized I was making progress when I came to a point of neutrality with my stoma. I neither love it nor do I hate it. It is like my left thumbnail or right elbow, just another part of me. A far cry from my first reaction to seeing this alien doggy d!ck protruding from my side and wondering if I'd EVER get used to it.

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 13, 2011 9:28 am
lol touch'e Mrs O.XX yep it can be funny in its strange way hahaahaa....