Back to reality

Aug 18, 2011 6:24 pm
well i had a total of 8 weeks off but yesterday was my first day back to work, back to the office, back to reality!

i'm lucky that my boss and my team are so supportive, my boss even came to visit me in hospital and left me a cup of tea on my desk for me. its been very interesting to see the looks on peoples faces now i'm back... i don't mean because i'm horrible to work with! but because you can tell they desperately want to know why i've been off for so long but don't know how to ask.

i have an office job so nothing very physical and i only work half my normal hours at the momentbut i was exhausted when i got home, i was in bed asleep at 6.30pm. i was so tired i wanted to cry but i didn't even have the energy for that! today i worked half my hours again and tonight i feel so run down i'm not sure if i'm actually coming down with something or if its just because i'm tired.

i still have some issues with clothes, despite putting powder around the edge of my little friend i still have a small area that just seems determind not to heal and so waist bands are a bit tricky........ i decided to try trousers today, not the best idea, i had to walk round the office with them undone!! fortunately for my colleagues i had a very pretty long top on so no one could see anything! hmmmm, i wonder how my colleagues would feel if i turned up in my comfy pj's?!!?!!?

whats really good though, is when people ask how i am, for the first time in ages i can say 'i'm doing ok'......... i know i'm still not completely healed and i know my immune system is still recovering, but i know it can only get better.

.............right, exhausted, off to bed!! night all

mrs o xx

Past Member
Aug 18, 2011 9:47 pm
Good on you Mrs O! You're a great example to us all! I'm back to my farm now but a little more careful about lifting and suchlike. I'm lucky enough though about clothing as I just invested in a few pairs of dungarees, which are absolutely great as you don't need to worry about waistbands and squashing my poor stoma friend! I don't know what I'll do when I need to wear something a bit more formal. But eight weeks on and doing so well, you can certainly be happy to manage so many hours back at work. Your energy levels will come back again...just remember to take good care of yourself! Well done again! Colm
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Aug 19, 2011 3:27 pm
You sound like you're doing GREAT! I was in the hospital for 6 weeks after my surgery and then it took some time to get myself together. It was the smartest thing I ever did. No more pain, no more wasting away and no more secondary problems ( which sometimes I found worse than anything else.)About the healing - try Topicort Gel around you whole flange area. It worked miracles for me.You have a wonderful attitude, it will always work in your favor.
Aug 19, 2011 4:35 pm
zanzi 1 - thanks very much for the tip, will look it up .