Things Im Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Nov 20, 2011 6:48 am
Ive been pretty indiferent towards my stoma, but with thanksgiving coming up I thought I'd try to think of all the reasons why I should be tankful for having it. Feel free to add why your thankful for yours inthe comments

Not pooping 20 times a day anymore, hair that dosent fall out, going to college, being able to wear cute undies, being able to EAT, not being 93 pounds, pants that don't fall down, no more meds, having energy, being able to travel, No more anorexic looks from people, not being able to see ribs, no more joint pain, going to disneyworld, hiking, swimming, playing with my dogs, shopping for hours and not needing to find a bathroom,having atomic farts (yes Im thankful..sometimes), notbeing cold all the timeand most of all being alive.

I may not totally like having a stoma but it has let me do things I never thought I would be able to do again. So cheers Mr. Stomer!

Past Member
Nov 20, 2011 7:25 am
What a wonderful post Lemon!! Yes you remind us of what having a stoma allows us to do. We should all be so thankful for improving the quality of our lives. Thanks for the timely reminder! And a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone this week! Take good care, Colm
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Nov 20, 2011 8:55 am
Hello Lemon,Thanks for sharing your positivity. As dandare says, it is a good reminder not only of what we have but some of the negative things we've thankfully lost. So it's perhaps most appropriate at 'thanksgiving'. (although I don't think thanksgiving is a celebration I've come across in the UK.- If it's a religious thing then that'll be the reason I'm not familiar with it.) Not that I don't think we should give thanks once in while it helps to put us in a positive frame of mind - as your post has done! Best wishes Bill
Nov 20, 2011 7:53 pm
Hi lemon, I agree with trying to be thankful for the stoma.When I get depressed about it,I just remind myself of what I went through before the surgery.And this is much better. No more pain,no more strain,no more blood . It's just good to be alive. Happy Thanksgiving! Donna
ron in mich
Nov 22, 2011 5:02 pm
hi lemon thanks for the reminder, no doc. visits other than my annual, no more prednisone, and its hunting season here in michigan and glad i can get out in the woods and enjoy nature and comaraderie of my brothers. ron

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Nov 23, 2011 2:30 am
It saved my life! I've gotten very comfortable with it, and thank God every day that a surgeon took care of the perforation. I met with a surgeon today and set a date for a reversal....