Need Help Please

Dec 21, 2011 8:29 pm

My husband had an end sigmoid colostomy with hartmann's pouch in 2009. Since then he has suffered with intermittent discharge of stool from his rectum ( think it is stool) and he has had a very severe bladder infection and he has been diagnosed with diverticulitis in the lower part of his bowel. No one can explain to me why he is having stool come from his rectum and why he has diverticulitis. They have done CT scans, a barium enema, and colonoscopies and have not found a fistula. Can anyone help explain to me why my husband is having stool come from his rectum and why he has diverticulitis.


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Reply to Lawrence S. Kullman

Dec 22, 2011 3:14 am
hi Jazzy I live here in Cloverdale ,I would suggest your husband go to the Ostomy Clinic in New Westminister and see the nurses there ,they are a great group and super experienced. I have Divers and have been told that down the road I will have another attack., why it happened I don't know either but have to live this way.Tell your hubby to make an appt soon as possible as to me this isn't normal
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Dec 22, 2011 3:44 am
Legion is right. Go and get a second or third opinion to find out what is wrong. There is no need to remain in doubt or anxiety when something goes bad. Find the best doctors to get the right answers. PB
Dec 22, 2011 1:18 pm
Thank you happy holidays
Dec 23, 2011 3:14 am
Jazzy there is concern among us this shouldn't be happening please get your hubby in quickly . I'm here even when can't be seen .I to have Divertictulitis and will face another attack when it comes. I know our situation can be very scary and for us we must act on syntoms and always have support as we do here. Let us know how things turn out .Till then have a nice holiday , we all stand together as we are and who we are ,a very special group of people ,holding up the tree of life and hope. Legionbarb

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Dec 23, 2011 2:35 pm
Well he had a B.E. enema states that it was mucus comung from his rectum that cause the colitis, which turn in to Diverticulitis. I don't know what to say, but its alot
Dec 28, 2011 7:16 pm
Somebody isn't giving you the right info. It may be time to seek advice from an Ostomy Clinic. That is all they deal with and should be able to head you in the right direction. Anything from the rectum at his stage of the game is definately a concern.