Maybe Santa Does Exsist

Dec 29, 2011 6:08 pm
My Surgeon has agreed to let me return to work even though the wound is not healed. I need to see a Plastic Surgeon now, maybe a a skin graft, probably a skin graft. That's my piece of coal in the stocking. The Preent though is I get to go back to work. I start 2 wqeeks of half days Jan. 16th. That means that I will have to go to a Flex Clinic for my wound care - no biggie. So I guess I will have to learn to get my butt off the couch no more lazy tv, music, cartoons etc days - thank goodness. Staying at home this long has sucked to th nth degree. As I am sure there are lots of others out there that know what I'm talking about. Does anybody have any tips about going back to work as far as the ostomy is concerned. I am a little worried about shall we say "mishaps"

Everybody Have A Great New Year

thanks for all your support

Past Member
Dec 29, 2011 7:17 pm
Hi Tess,im pleased you have a date to get back to work,your patients have been rewarded. As far as mishaps, well depends on what your eating through the day.I always make sure to take a daily supply of what you need for a change if anything did happen,nine times out of ten it wont but dont get caught out not having anything with you ,it happend to me once and i had nothing with me,certainly taught me a lesson. I now make sure i have what i need with me just in case,but uesually i never need to ues them. If your confident with the applyiace your uesing then there shouldnt be any worries.. Hope all goes well on your return to work , good luck for 2012 tc ambies...
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Dec 30, 2011 12:52 am
Tess, when you say wound, what are you saying? Do you have an ulcerous, bleeding peristomal wound or are you referring to your surgical wounds?
Dec 30, 2011 5:12 am
Glad to hear you are returning to work. Ambies has good advice. Take it a day at a time and be sure you get plenty of rest. As you get to know how your body processes food, you will gain more confidence. Mishaps can happen, but they are rare.