Six weeks since reversal

Mar 20, 2012 7:06 pm
Hi had reversal 6wk ago does anyone know wen the spasms stop and when u stop rushing to loo after food not knowing if gas or poo. also noticed I have a sore tender section in my belly to left of belly button not sure what it is.
Past Member
Apr 22, 2012 11:15 am
I am supposed to be having my reversal in the next few months,I am interested to see what other have written about it,I am actually quite nervous about it,its supprising how you get used to having a stoma although I know it needs to go.I was told to keep excersisng my muscles around my you know what just to keep them active.I have had my stoma since nov 2010.I hope everything goes well for you and will be interested in your progress.good luck and stay strong!
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Apr 24, 2012 6:56 pm
hi well i had mine done 3.2.12 and it has calmed down loads now drinking booze makes it more active up to 16 times that day to the loo and new bowel does not like chilli that goes thro fast too. dont expect too much in the few days after operation as it took me four days to even get wind thro once it starts you will rush to loo and have trouble holding it. i wore lady panty liners and put them in back of pants just to save from embrassment. alot of pain at first but its worth it just hold on in there it will past dont take morphine it blocks u up and stops colon working which we dont need right now. i feel almost normal now and can get out the house earlier in morning only go three times wen i wake up as opposed to about 6. i went to clinic and they were pleased with it it takes two yrs to recover properly and if u have loperamide take tht if u get too loose or if fancy a night out but just take one. any more questions just ask me. wish u all the luck in world i only wish someone had told me more about it wen i asked on here. i still get wind alot but hey to be bagless is great . jo
Apr 24, 2012 6:56 pm
ps drink your water
Past Member
Apr 24, 2012 8:25 pm
Thankyou for getting back to me,Its good to know things are getting back to normal for you.After reading your message I had visions of you leaving the hospital and going straight to the local indian for a hot curry and a few beers,which is something I have missed doing,Im not drinking booze at the moment,I found orange juice goes straight through too.Anyway my surgeon has been given the go ahead for my operation so im playing the waiting game for now,Il keep ya posted,please be ready for some more questions at some stage,I found you helpful cheers.Jay.

How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Nov 13, 2014 9:39 pm
I was told to not drink after my colon operation. I had a reversal in august of this year (2014)Pretty regular now, as doctor said I have a good bit of my colon left. There are a few times I don't think I'm going to make it to the bathroom. I developed Neuropathy after my chemo treatments,And have been on SS Disability, but have a review coming up in December 2014. I am hoping to be able to stay on SS disability. I was working outside at my last job, and don't think it would be good to my feet working outside in the winter. I was worried about when they take you off Disability, and you go on regular social security, but I called the SSA, and they said at age 66, I still would get the same amount. Getting nervous though, I wash the review would hurry up and get here, and decided on, as I am tired of worrying. Crystal tips, best I can tell from your picture, you are cute, and should be able to find somebody nice this time. Your last boyfriend was a jerk.