Apr 03, 2012 6:56 pm
I am contemplatig a reconnection operation in July and would like to hear from all of on your thoughts about it. I had to have emergency surgery last March due to a blockage and ended up with an ostomy. I am having trouble affording the bags, paste and powder, so would like to have it redone, but have heard many horror stories.I am 66 years old and in fairly good health other then that, but have had colitis since I was 21. I do not have any insurance and my medicare won't kick in until july so i have to wait until then.Would like to hear from some of you bad or good.

Apr 03, 2012 8:32 pm
Here are a few thoughts you may want to consider before your surgery. (1) Be sure that Medicare will cover the reconnection. I have heard rumors that it is now considered elective surgery. (2) Medicare covers a large part of the cost of supplies. Talk with a rep from one of the suppliers, e.g., Hollister, to get a clear picture of benefits. (3) For every horror story, there are many success stories. Just be sure your surgeon isn't fresh out of medical school but is well qualified and patient-oriented. Good luck! PB
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Apr 18, 2012 8:44 pm
I had a surgery go bad in June and ended up with an ostomy. I had the reversal in September and everything went great! I haven't had ANY trouble. :) I hope and pray things go well for you!
Past Member
Apr 28, 2012 10:16 am
ya go for it there will be alot of experimenting with food and drink as the wrong food will cause unreal burning when going to the toilet, do not drink any cafene or alcohol as this cause diahorea . i only drink water and plain foods , readybrek potatoes chicken fish shepards pie all digest easily. It will be difficult and there will be pain but it will be worth it to get rid of the bag