a service dog for an ostomate?

Jul 24, 2012 9:32 pm
Hey all,

has anyone has gotten a service dog because of your ostomy or crohns or any condition inbetween? Ive had my ileostomy for a year, and even though my doctor says im in perfect health now, i cant do a lot of things I used to, like surf, rollerblade all day..well i guess anything real physical. I tend to get these cramps near my stoma (like a foot cramp but worse) when I bend or do some sport like surfing, kinda sucks. has anyone been in my shoes? anyway back to the dog. I have a 7-month old puppy, so smart and sweet, and I think she would be great to train as a service dog for me, just wondering if any one has had a service dog for this kind of condition.

I was told that dogs can sense if you are about to have a flare-up or a blockage! sounds cool, but wouldnt know if true until it happens...

Jul 25, 2012 2:24 am
I know they can detect epileptic seizures about to happen, and heart attacks, but would not know about blockages.They can smell a difference in the body when chemical balances are changing, but would not think that that would happen before a blockage.
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Jul 25, 2012 9:38 pm
Yes it probably is scar tissue but as you said im not in your shoes . After 9 operations for crohns and 2 hernia fixes i have severe nerve damage dam i dont rollerblade any more though not from having a stoma but from fallin over that bloody hurts lol but yes i do its like a cramp but more like if you remembered getting a stich if u ran or somthing i have severe adhesion-scar tissue and have to go back to pain management AGAIN like a merry go round here surfing well no i havnt done that in years since i broke my bros board so i do yes have severe pain it refers into my back too .bloody pain in the bum i no longer have ugh .... maybe try nerve damage pills they kinda help but are even expensive in australia not subsidized as if u had seizures would cost me $5,80 but instead its over $50 and side effects like weight gain and weird stuff good luck xx mooza
Jul 30, 2012 5:06 am
Hello Jelly,I have severe pain at times at the ostomy site. I put this down to the hernia and a blockage. My dog is very sensitive to my problems both with the hernia and the residual incontinence. I have been trying to teach him 'not' to keep drawing attention to it as his behaviour can be quite embarrassing at times.The best assistance he can give is simply to be there. (see my poem) Best wishes Bill
Aug 02, 2012 8:22 am
Absolutely! :) ;) ....dogs can be trained to do many things to assist us, but they are also VERY healing to simply have near us, in fact, it has been proven for many years the affects pets have on the health and well-being of people, beit physical and psychological healing......dogs in particular, for they are the most dedicated and helpful of all our Earthen creatures :) XOXO

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Mar 31, 2013 9:36 pm
Hey all, thanks for responding. I forgot my user name and password, soooooo it took me a long time to remember.Long story short, Rosie, my now year and 3 month old puppy is a certified service dog!!!! I found a professional trainer who is helping me teach her skills like picking things off the ground, or retrieving things..like my phone if im stuck somewhere like the toilette (lol) and she is also trained to find help, like she knows names of family members i live and will go to them, bark, then bring them to me...really cool! Also having her there with me on the hospital bed to keep me company always makes me happier :)