
Oct 18, 2012 10:50 am
Hi, i would like some advice from people who have had a reversal. Whilst i am adjusting to life quite well with my ileostomy which i have had for three months now, im not sure that i want to keep it for the rest of my life as im only 21. But from reading other peoples blogs and speaking to doctors i know that a reversal is not going to necessarily be easy and i could be potentialy back to where i was before my surgery. Which is something i definatly dont want. Feeling well is amazing, people definatly take it for granted! ha ha So my question is should i stick with the ileostomy or have the reversal?? any ideas?? x

Oct 19, 2012 3:40 am
hi, i'm 45 and have a hartmanns. sigmoidostomy, i believe. mine's temporary. had it 3 months and one more to go. i think mine may be less tedious than an iliostomy by what I've read and heard, yet it's still scary hearing about the possible unsuccesfulness of a reversal, but i gotta do it. just my situation, and blessings to you. joe
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Oct 22, 2012 8:48 pm
Well Sopie I am 1 wk post-op from my reversal and so far plumbing is working good! The pain from surgery and your guts waking up is excruciating but with everything it takes time and lots of patience. Mine was a little more intense as I had 3 hernias that they repaired along with a liver ck so my incision is just as long as the first. In my opinion it is worth it and you are so young and strong.
Past Member
Oct 24, 2012 12:28 am
Im in the same boat I am up for reversal one day I have had a ileostomy 5 weeks ago.Will it work?? What happens if it does not?? I have been diagnosed with crohns.Im guessing there are no black and white answers to any questions relating to recovery likelihood of success.As i have been given no real answers to any questions i have asked the doctors and surgeons.I have had a terrible recovery from surgery.Forgive my naivety im very new to all this still very confused.
Oct 24, 2012 7:32 am
Hi, your still young and that is the problem I faced. I was 30 when I decided to have 'j pouch' surgery. I did not want a stoma at any cost. But by 36 I was no further forward, so had it removed. I have a ileostomy now, and although not 100% happy with it, I'm alive and very very well. I guess you have to be ill enough, long enough if you are not happy with yourself, like me. But in the end its when you feel you are ready. Hope this helps.

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Oct 24, 2012 1:32 pm
Thanks for all the comments guys. Lostrealist, i feel exactly the same. The doctors cant seem to give me any definite answers. At the moment im still waiting for yet another operation to sort out a kidney problem so a reversal isnt anywhere in the near future but maybe a year or two down the line. But im not sure if its worth it. I was so ill before my ops and i dont want to risk going back to that if the crohns flares up again which i was told it probably would if i had the reversal and would end up on tablets for the rest of my life. And dont worry im new to all this too!! lolShep, i agree with you, im not overly happy with having an ileostomy but as you say we are alive and well, and thats what im enjoying at the moment! Ive been coping well with it so im in no rush but at the same time i dont really want to have it the rest of my life!
Past Member
Oct 24, 2012 4:01 pm
Im very luck I only had problems after my appendix was removed, When I was 25 before then I never had a single problem but since then I had stricture in the terminal ileum and other than pain I don't suffer from any other crohns type symptoms the pain was always in the same place underneath my scar. My operation revealed a abscess on the wall of my abdomen but the histology still said crohns but Im still not convinced its crohnsI feel very selfish coming on here and moaning about having a bag,When i have read what other people have been/are going through.I feel terrible. I'm very lucky and never saw the world from this side before being a fit healthy young man at 27 now to being back to a one year old. My bags don't stick my skin at the moment due to the scar being so close to the stoma so every time i move it leaks and i constantly change and clean myself and my bed. its like having mud in one hand and soap in the other.
Oct 24, 2012 7:38 pm
I know how you feel, i see things differently now too. My stoma bag overlaps my wound dressing which is taking ages to heal thanks to the multiple surgeries! you should look into using supports round the side like hydroplast. Its just a semicircle that you can stick round the egde to help the edge parts stick.....if that makes any sense lol
Past Member
Oct 24, 2012 11:33 pm
yeah i have some support loads of sample stuff but the there is one inch of skin between the stoma and the open scar, theres no room to stick anything to unfortunately. and i have to cut the edge off the bag so it doesn't stick over the raw skin.
Oct 25, 2012 11:54 am
Go for it!!!!! Just wait until you are absolutely ready....NO regrets here!!! The surgery was hard, the recovery is hard, but I am glad I garnered the strength to do it. I am almost two months out now.Melissa
Oct 28, 2012 8:52 pm
Does anyone have any suggestions on extreme rectal pain? I am 2wks post-op of my reversal and hurting so bad from all of the bowel movements:(
Oct 28, 2012 10:27 pm
i have not yet had my reversal. is it soreness due to rawness? if so, I'd suggest TUCKS, or simple witchazel. TUCKS already has it on them. otherwise, I know nothing. maybe something I have to look forward to. (yippie, not)
Oct 31, 2012 10:23 pm
Ha my nurse said it is normal as the anal nerves are waking up and healing. It will get better just takes time, plus the bowel movements have slowed way down yay!
Nov 03, 2012 1:44 pm
Your butt is RAW use diaper rash ointment!!!! I did was thankful for the suggestion of it!!! This lasts two - three weeks.Melissa